ace warm marriage

Chapter 453 Fall into the French Open

Chapter 453 Fall into the French Open
Si Zhanbei's face darkened and he didn't speak.At this moment, Sheng Fenghua spoke up and said, "You can give it a try."

"Just try, who is afraid of whom?" The minister gave Sheng Fenghua a hard look, then turned his head and ordered his subordinates: "Open the box, take out the things and destroy them."

After receiving the order, his subordinates put down the box they were carrying, and then opened the lid.As soon as the lid was opened, several scrolls inside were revealed.

Another box was opened at the same time, and it contained several antiques.

Looking at the things inside the box, Anchen breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei proudly, and said, "I'll give you one more chance and let us go. Otherwise, I'll destroy these things. "

As he spoke, he made a gesture that he really wanted to destroy these things.

Si Zhanbei watched, with worry and anxiety flashing in his eyes.On the other hand, Sheng Fenghua, the old god looked at Anchen, and said: "Anchen, you have to think carefully, once you destroy these things, will the people above let you go?"

As soon as these words came out, An Chen's face turned dark instantly, he stared at Sheng Fenghua and said: "You understand it quite well."

"It's easy to say, if you can resist the anger of the people above, then you can destroy it." Sheng Fenghua looked indifferent, making the secret minister suspicious, and said: "These things can't be fake right?"

As far as he knew, protecting cultural relics intact and catching people who stole cultural relics were their tasks.Now, this task is about to be completed, but they don't care about these cultural relics, which is unreasonable.

Sheng Fenghua laughed, his eyebrows curved, and he said, "What do you think?"

The three light words made An Chen very angry, and said through gritted teeth, "No wonder!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Si Zhanbei again, and said coldly: "Young Commander, I fell into your hands this time. I was careless, and my secret minister admitted it. Next time, I will definitely get it back." .”

After the sound fell, the dark minister suddenly pulled his subordinates aside and blocked him in front of him, while he rolled backwards, ready to escape.

"No, he wants to run away!" Sheng Fenghua was startled when he saw the action of the dark minister, and quickly raised the gun in his hand.

But before she could pull the trigger, the dark minister was caught by the policeman who had fallen to the ground and pretended to be dead.

The policeman held the secret minister's hands, making him unable to resist.

"You're not dead?" An Chen was taken aback, glaring at the policeman who should have been lying dead on the ground, his eyes filled with shock.

It never occurred to him that the policeman pretended to be dead.

At this moment, the other police officers who were lying on the ground also stood up and looked at the secret minister mockingly.

How could these people be fooled if they didn't play dead?

"Damn it!" An Chen cursed, looked at Si Zhanbei, gritted his teeth, and said two words: "You can do it!"

"Take it away!" Si Zhanbei said lightly, Hu Dongyang and Gangzi stepped forward, and together with the policeman escorted the secret minister to the police car on the side.

As for the subordinates of the secret minister, seeing that the leader was arrested, they put down their weapons one by one, and raised their hands to surrender.

These people were originally hired by the secret minister, so they would not fight with their lives for him.

After catching people, everyone didn't stay too long, and went straight back to the bureau with the so-called cultural relics.As for the real cultural relics, they were sent to the museum by others when they were trapping the secret ministers, and returned to Zhao intact.

The cultural relics have been recovered, and the people have been arrested. The mission of Si Zhanbei and others has been successfully completed.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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