ace warm marriage

Chapter 454 The Return of the Mission

Chapter 454 The Return of the Mission
After completing the task, a group of people went to the hospital to visit Hei Bao and the others.Black Panther had already woken up, and was very grateful when he knew that he was rescued by Sheng Fenghua.To put it bluntly, when he recovers, he must treat the couple to a good meal.

Si Zhanbei responded with a smile, said goodbye to the Panther, and then took the team members back to the army on the plane.

Back in City A, the team members went back to rest, and Si Zhanbei and Qin Feng sat together to write a report.The two finished the report and went to the chief's office.

When they came out of the chief's office, their faces were all smiles.

Qin Feng looked at Si Zhanbei, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder, and said, "Zhanbei, the chief is so generous this time, he even gave us a week's leave. What do you have to do?"

"I'm going to take my daughter-in-law out for a few days."

"Not bad." Qin Feng laughed and said enviously: "You still have someone to take care of you, poor me alone."

"Don't cry here, it's not easy to want a daughter-in-law, you just follow her." Si Zhanbei was in a good mood, and teased Qin Feng.

Qin Feng has a childhood sweetheart who has been chasing him.But Qin Feng was lucky, he just looked down on him.

"Come on, I can't stand her." Qin Feng looked terrified. Si Zhanbei said she was the daughter-in-law his family chose for him. They grew up together.But he only has brother and sister feelings for her, not a man and a woman.

"Haha!" Si Zhanbei laughed loudly, which made Qin Feng's old face a little uneasy.

The two returned to the Special Forces and told everyone the news.When the team members heard it, they were overjoyed, and all of them were extremely excited.

Seeing that everyone was so happy, Si Zhanbei announced a few disciplines, and then let everyone disperse, what should they do.

The team members cheered and left quickly, each preparing to take a vacation.

Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua walked at the end. He looked sideways at his little wife and asked, "Daughter-in-law, is there any place you want to go?"

"Yes, do you want to take me to play?" Sheng Fenghua stopped and looked at Si Zhanbei with a smile.There are so many places she wants to go, and she is afraid that Si Zhanbei will be shocked by speaking out.

"Well, we have a few days of vacation this time, so we can go have a good time." Si Zhanbei laughed, since he got married, he hasn't taken Sheng Fenghua out, and he hasn't even had a good honeymoon.

"Then let's go to the beach." Sheng Fenghua thought for a while and said.It's summer now, so it's more suitable to go to the beach, the beach with waves, that's also her favorite place.

Sitting on the beach, sipping red wine, watching the ebb and flow of the tide is definitely a very pleasant thing.

"Okay, then let's go to the beach." Si Zhanbei agreed with a smile. He didn't care, as long as Sheng Fenghua liked it, he could go anywhere.

"Really? That's great!" Sheng Fenghua was so happy that he jumped up, hugged Si Zhanbei's neck, kissed Si Zhanbei hard on the face, and said, "Honey, I love you to death." is you!"

Si Zhanbei was startled by Sheng Fenghua's sudden enthusiasm, and was stunned on the spot.It took a long time to come back to his senses, and then when he thought about where this place was, his face darkened instantly, and he dragged Sheng Fenghua to the family courtyard in a hurry.

"Zhan Bei, what's the matter?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei who was pulling him and walking straight forward with a dazed expression, confused.

Si Zhanbei didn't speak, and pulled Sheng Fenghua to speed up his pace.

It wasn't until Si Zhanbei's speed stopped after entering the family courtyard that she noticed his flushed face and couldn't help laughing out loud.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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