ace warm marriage

Chapter 464 Mei's Illness

Chapter 464 Mei's Illness
Mei Ruolan didn't hear what Sheng Fenghua was saying at all, and there was always a sentence echoing in her mind, that is: Uncle has been missing for ten years.

Missing for ten years?
That is to say, after she abandoned him, he disappeared.

No wonder, no wonder Si Zhanbei hated her so much and drove her away.

That's it, that's it.

He had been missing for ten years, and she only found out now.Such a big thing happened, and she didn't receive any news.

In the past ten years, how failed she has been.

That man, that scheming man, ruined her life.Back then, she was so blind that she fell in love with that man and abandoned a man who loved her deeply for him.

Mei Ruolan regrets, hates.

As she thought about it, she went to the hotel where she was staying in a daze, like a puppet without a soul, walking forward blankly.

Sheng Fenghua looked at her like this, feeling a little worried.So he turned his head and said to Si Zhanbei in the room: "I'll go see her off."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua left the villa and followed Mei Ruolan, and sent her all the way to the hotel where she was staying. After watching her go in, he told the front desk in the lobby before leaving.

The front desk also heard about what happened that night, and paid special attention to Mei Ruolan.She assured Sheng Fenghua that she would take good care of Mei Ruolan and prevent her from having any accidents.

Just kidding, if something happened to Mei Ruolan, their hotel would also be responsible.

With the guarantee from the front desk, Sheng Fenghua was more at ease, and quickly returned to the villa.Before, they were all overwhelmed by Mei Ruolan's affairs, and they haven't eaten yet, and she is hungry.

Back at the villa, he immediately saw Si Zhanbei sitting on the sofa drinking.Sheng Fenghua knew that he was in a bad mood, so he stepped forward, gently took the cup from his hand, and said, "Don't drink it, I'm going to cook, it's time to eat later."

Si Zhanbei looked up at Sheng Fenghua and nodded.Let her put away the wine bottle and cup, and then watch her go into the kitchen to cook.

Looking at the busy figure in the kitchen, a warm feeling hit his heart, which made his depressed mood a lot better.

Fortunately, he was luckier than his uncle, and met a woman he loved and loved him.For him, she gave up her comfortable life, willing to train hard and carry out missions with him.

Thinking, thinking, a smile appeared on Si Zhanbei's face.Then he stood up and went to the kitchen.

Besides Mei Ruolan, after she returned to the hotel, she was still in a daze.If it wasn't for the help of the waiter, she would have forgotten which room she lived in.

Back in the room, she sat on the sofa in a daze.

At this time, she was more desperate and painful than when she was about to commit suicide before.She carried a heavy cross in her heart, and self-blame, regret, and guilt were intertwined in her heart, causing her to break down and burst into tears on the sofa.

Mei Ruolan didn't know how long she cried until she couldn't cry any more, and then she fell into a drowsy sleep.

The next day, she came down with a bad cold.

If it wasn't for the hotel waiter to clean the room, she would not have known that she had spent the night on the sofa.

After Sheng Fenghua received the call from the hotel, he just got up from the bed and was about to make breakfast.Yesterday, because Si Zhanbei was in a bad mood, he tossed her all night, so he got up a little late.

"What? She has a bad cold? Okay, I see. I'll be there later." Sheng Fenghua hung up the phone, turned to look at Si Zhanbei, and said, "Zhanbei, that Ms. Mei is sick, I'll go and see. Make breakfast, can you?"

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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