ace warm marriage

Chapter 465 Fever Hu Zhang

Chapter 465 Fever Nonsense
Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua, wanting to stop her.According to his thinking, this woman shouldn't care at all.But he also knew that Sheng Fenghua was a doctor, and he would not let him go.

So, after hesitating for a while, he finally nodded and said, "Okay, be careful yourself, and call if you have something to do."

"Okay, then I'll go."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua took some cold and fever-reducing medicines from the suitcase, and some anti-inflammatory medicines, and then went to the hotel.

In the hotel, Mei Ruolan had been put on the bed by the waiter and helped her change her clothes.At this time, she had a fever because of a cold.His face was flushed, and he was talking nonsense.

Listen carefully, as if saying: Sorry, I was wrong.

She kept repeating this sentence, and kept saying it, and the waiter who was standing by was full of sighs.The waiter didn't know what happened to Mei Ruolan, but as a woman, seeing Mei Ruolan like this, she couldn't help feeling distressed.

For a woman with famous brands all over her body, beautiful appearance and elegant demeanor to commit suicide, something unimaginable and unbearable must have happened.

The waiter was feeling emotional when there was a knock on the door.She went up to open the door and saw that it was Sheng Fenghua, so she laughed and said, "Ms. Sheng, you're here."

"How is she?" Sheng Fenghua asked as he entered the room.

"Cold and fever, she keeps talking nonsense. Just now I measured it for her, it's 39 degrees 8." The waiter answered, and brought Sheng Fenghua to Mei Ruolan.

Seeing Mei Ruolan like this, Sheng Fenghua sighed, took out the antipyretic medicine from his body, and asked the waiter to pour a glass of boiling water for her to take the medicine.

No, the waiter poured boiling water back, saw Sheng Fenghua's movements, and immediately said: "Ms. Sheng, it's useless. I was going to give her antipyretics just now, but I couldn't."

Sheng Fenghua looked at her, smiled, and said, "Can I trouble you to do me a favor?"


"Help me lift her up."

The waiter nodded, and helped Mei Ruolan up, half leaning against the head of the bed.

At this time, Sheng Fenghua was pinching a pill in his hand, and pressed down on Mei Ruolan's body with the other hand.Following her movements, Mei Ruolan, who was talking nonsense, opened her mouth slightly.

The waiter on the side looked at it, surprised.

However, Sheng Fenghua didn't care so much, after feeding the pill into Mei Ruolan's mouth, he took the water on the side and gave it to her to drink.

He didn't let her go until she had swallowed the pill, and then motioned for the waiter to lay her flat on the bed.

Sheng Fenghua's fever-reducing medicine is made by himself, and it melts in the mouth.But after a while, it worked.Mei Ruolan's fever subsided slowly, her face was not so red, and she stopped talking nonsense.

However, before Sheng Fenghua could breathe a sigh of relief, Mei Ruolan caught fire again.

Seeing this situation, Sheng Fenghua immediately became vigilant, and stretched out his hand to feel Mei Ruolan's pulse.

If you don't feel the pulse, you don't know. If you feel the pulse, you will be shocked.

The waiter at the side watched Sheng Fenghua's movements and was about to ask if she was a doctor.But when she saw the expression on Sheng Fenghua's face, she was startled and asked, "Ms. Sheng, what's wrong?"

Sheng Fenghua came back to his senses, glanced at the waiter, and said, "It's okay, you go and do your work, I will take care of her."

The waiter glanced at Sheng Fenghua, then at Mei Ruolan lying on the bed, thinking that he still had work, finally nodded and said, "Alright, I'm busy. If you need anything, you can come to me again .”

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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