ace warm marriage

Chapter 468 Several questions

Chapter 468 Several questions
In this life, the person she was most sorry for was Si Mufeng.

Si Zhanbei glanced at Mei Ruolan indifferently, and said, "I have a few questions I want to ask you."

"What do you want to ask?" Mei Ruolan recovered from the pain and looked at Si Zhanbei.She clearly felt the change in his attitude, and although she didn't know the reason, she was still very happy.

"Why did you commit suicide?" Si Zhanbei looked into Mei Ruolan's eyes to see if she was lying.

Mei Ruolan didn't expect Si Zhanbei to ask this question, and was stunned for a moment.After she regained her senses, a wry smile appeared on her face, and she said, "I'm sick, it's a serious illness, it can't be cured, and I won't live long."

"You must have cancer, and it's still at an advanced stage." Si Zhanbei added lightly, which surprised Mei Ruolan, and asked, "How do you know?"

"My daughter-in-law is a doctor, she checked it out."

Mei Ruolan was silent and did not speak for a while.Yes, she has cancer and has only one month to live. The doctor said that her body looks fine on the surface, but inside she is already an old man who is dying.Now she is like a big tree that has been necrotic inside, only supported by a layer of skin on the outside.

When the skin can't hold on anymore, her death will come.

Si Zhanbei didn't rush her, but quietly waited for her to speak.

Mei Ruolan raised her head, looked at Si Zhanbei, nodded, and said, "That's right, I have cancer, and I only have one month to live. So, I couldn't think about it, so I jumped into the sea."

"Then you don't know, it's man-made that you get cancer."

"What did you say? Man-made, what do you mean?" Mei Ruolan was a little confused, looking at Si Zhanbei with a puzzled expression.It was the first time she had heard that getting cancer could be man-made.

"Let me tell you." Sheng Fenghua came over, looked at Mei Ruolan and said, "According to my examination, you have been injected with a drug that can cause cancer, but the injection took a long time, probably It's been ten years."

Mei Ruolan looked at Sheng Fenghua and couldn't believe what she heard.Her cancer was not accidental, but someone injected her with cancer-causing drugs?
Soon, she thought of something, her face changed suddenly, and she muttered to herself, "No wonder, no wonder."

"Ms. Mei, did you remember something?" Sheng Fenghua looked at her like this, and after looking at Si Zhanbei, he asked.

Obviously, Mei Ruolan remembered something.Otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

However, Mei Ruolan glanced at Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei, and laughed out loud instead of answering her.


Her laughter was sad and full of irony, and it didn't stop for a long time.

Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei again with suspicion.Thinking to herself, this Mei Ruolan must have mental problems, why did she suddenly laugh at this moment.

On the other hand, Si Zhanbei looked at Mei Ruolan like this, and a guess flashed in his heart, but he didn't say it.

Regardless of whether it was as he guessed, there was a problem between Mei Ruolan and that man.Otherwise, when the two so-called model couples didn't come out as a couple, how could they let Mei Ruolan come out alone?
Moreover, she was desperate to commit suicide.A woman, even if she has cancer, has a husband who loves her, and a lovely child, she will not be willing to die.

Mei Ruolan laughed for a long time, then gradually stopped, and finally turned into a whimpering sound, like a wounded little animal.

 One more.

(End of this chapter)

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