Chapter 469

The sobs gradually subsided, Mei Ruolan finally had enough to vent, and then looked at Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua again, and said, "Let me tell you a story."

Si Zhanbei took a look at Sheng Fenghua, took his hand and sat down on the bedside, waiting for Mei Ruolan to tell them a story.

At this moment, both of them knew in their hearts that Mei Ruolan must be telling her own story.

Sure enough, as soon as Mei Ruolan opened her mouth, they confirmed their guess.

"Ten years ago, there was a pair of lovers who had the same family background and loved each other very much. They grew up together as childhood sweethearts. The man took care of the girl, and the girl loved the boy. In their year, the two got engaged. The two were very happy. When two people who love each other walk together, it is even more legitimate.

After the engagement, because the girl didn't want to get married too early, their wedding was postponed year after year.Until the girl is 26 years old and the boy is 28 years old.The parents of the two families were in a hurry, so they set the wedding date.The wedding date was set three months later, and neither the boy nor the girl objected.They began to shoot wedding dresses and purchase wedding supplies.

Two months before the divorce period, the boy received a mission and went out.Leaving her daughter alone to prepare for their wedding.

One day, the girl was driving to buy bedding, and when she was crossing the road, she was touched by someone.Faced with this situation, the girl didn't know what to do.Because she has been the princess of the family since she was a child, the only child, and the whole family dotes on her.And then there was a man by her side, helping her with various trivial matters.

She is so well protected by her family and boys, making her like a blank sheet of paper, pure and kind, but she doesn't know how to deal with problems.

She was blackmailed and asked for 100 million.

At the first moment, she thought of the boy, so she called him, hoping that he could come to her side and help her.But the boy's mobile phone was turned off when he was on a mission, and the girl couldn't contact him at all.

Listening to the cold mechanical female voice from the mobile phone, the girl's already helpless mood suddenly became a little hopeless.

She couldn't find the boy, so she had to call her parents, but at this time the person who touched porcelain snatched her mobile phone and accused her loudly, saying that she wanted to shirk responsibility and renege on the debt.

The girl panicked, confused, and scared.No matter how she explained, no one believed her, and she was criticized loudly by those watching the fun.

The girl was extremely wronged and helpless, she looked at those who accused her in despair, and loudly defended: "I didn't, I didn't."

However, no one listened to her, instead they accused her louder and louder, and some even started to touch her.

At this moment, the girl became even more frightened, feeling extremely hopeless in her heart.But at this moment, a passing man came out, helped her out, and sent the person who touched the porcelain away.

She was fine, and she was full of gratitude to that man, thinking that he was really a good person.What's more, the man is good-looking, he is very handsome at first glance, and he is also personable, and he is well-bred at first glance.Then she invited the man to drink coffee and asked for his number.

Since then, they have slowly connected.As for the boy, it was a whole month's task.

During that month, the girls had more contact with men.Before she knew it, the girl was attracted by the boy, and fell madly in love with him.

So, when the boys came out on assignment, there was only one month left until their wedding.But at this time, because the girl fell in love with the man, she suddenly didn't want to marry.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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