ace warm marriage

Chapter 472 check his old bottom

Chapter 472 check his old bottom
Now they don't have any evidence, and it's hard to judge.So, let's wait until we find out, maybe that man has nothing to do with my uncle's disappearance.

Maybe, that man is just greedy for Mei Ruolan's property?
After all, this Mei family is an established family, and there is only one Mei Ruolan in this generation, and marrying her is tantamount to wealth that cannot be used up in a few lifetimes.

As it is now, Mei Ruolan's parents passed away early, and Mei Ruolan got cancer, wouldn't the Mei family's property be cheaper for that man?
"Let me find someone to check first." Si Zhanbei thought for a while and said.Ten years, although it is a bit long, but it is not impossible to find out.It just takes some time.

Moreover, he didn't think about it before, but now that he doubts it, he must check it out before he can rest assured.

It's okay if the other party has nothing to do with that matter, but if it does, he will never let that man go.

As for Sheng Fenghua's previous relationships, the less they were used, the better. He didn't want to put his little wife in danger because of his own affairs.

"Well, you should check first to find out who that man is from. Why did you use love gu to make Mei Ruolan fall in love with him, and then let someone inject cancer-causing drugs into Mei Ruolan's body. If it's just for the property of the Mei family , it’s better to say something, I’m afraid he’s doing it for something else.”

"I think so too." Si Zhanbei agreed with Sheng Fenghua's idea. If that man was only targeting Mei Ruolan, maybe the Mei family would be fine.Just be afraid, he is actually targeting the Si family.

After all, the relationship between the Si family and the Mei family is well known in the circle.Originally, the marriage of the two families was also favored by others, but because Mei Ruolan regretted the marriage, the relationship between the two families weakened.

Later, when the elders of the Mei family had an accident, the two families had nothing to do with each other.

Si Zhanbei made a phone call and asked someone to help find Mei Ruolan's husband.After the phone call, the two talked for a while.Seeing that it was getting late, Sheng Fenghua got up to make lunch.

Si Zhanbei followed her into the kitchen and helped her.

Mei Ruolan rested on the bed for a while, feeling much better and got up.She was about to leave. Although she got the news from Si Mufeng this time, it was her biggest harvest. Although the news was not good, she was still very happy.

She believed that Si Mufeng would not die so easily, he must still be living well somewhere.

Mei Ruolan went down to the second floor, came to the living room, heard the movement in the kitchen, and walked over.When she saw Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua preparing lunch together, she was a little dazed.

She thought about the past, when she was with Si Mufeng.The two of them also often cook by themselves, but it is Si Mufeng who cooks, and she is just a helper.

Sheng Fenghua, who was chopping vegetables in the kitchen, found Mei Ruolan standing at the door, so he put down the kitchen knife, went out, and asked, "You are not in good health yet, why did you get up?"

"I'm fine, thank you for your care, I should go."

"Gone?" Sheng Fenghua frowned and asked, "Where are you going? Are you going home?"

Mei Ruolan gave a wry smile when she heard the words, and said, "Home? How can I still have a home! I just want to go around for a while."

"You're not going to be cured anymore?" Sheng Fenghua's beautiful eyebrows frowned even tighter, Mei Ruolan didn't even want to go home, what happened?
After thinking about it, this is someone else's private matter, and it's not easy for her to ask too much.However, as a doctor, she still needs to persuade patients.

So, she looked at Mei Ruolan and asked, "Are you not going to treat your illness?"

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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