ace warm marriage

Chapter 473 Please help me

Chapter 473 Please help me
"Cure? Can my disease be cured?" Mei Ruolan looked at Sheng Fenghua as if she had heard some joke, and said, "How do you ask me to cure a disease that even the top doctors in the country can't cure?"

"What if I say, I can cure it?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Mei Ruolan with a gentle smile on his face.Her eyes were clear, her face was serious, there was no hint of a joke in it.

Mei Ruolan stared blankly, unable to react for a while.

"Aren't you joking?" Mei Ruolan finally recovered her voice, looking at Sheng Fenghua and asked.

"I never joke around." Sheng Fenghua said to Mei Ruolan with a serious face, "If you want, I can help you cure it. Not only will it cure your illness, but it will also help you get rid of the emotional gu in your body." come out."

"What did you say?" Mei Ruolan felt that her brain was not enough, looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "Can you cure my illness?"

"Yes!" Sheng Fenghua spat out a very crisp word, and Mei Ruolan was so shocked that she couldn't speak.She felt like she was dreaming.

Since she got this disease, she has consulted countless doctors.But every doctor gave the same answer. Her disease was in an advanced stage, it could not be cured and she would not live long.

But now Sheng Fenghua told her, can it be cured?

Should she believe her?After all, she is too young.

But Sheng Fenghua didn't seem to be lying, and he gave her hope.What's more, she didn't want the Mei family's property to fall into the hands of that man so vaguely.If everything that happened to her was designed by that man, then she would take revenge, not only for herself, but also for her parents.

So, after a little hesitation, Mei Ruolan decided to take a gamble.Even if her illness could not be cured in the end, then she would have no regrets.

"I'll cure it!" Mei Ruolan seemed to have regained all her courage after saying these two words.She looked at Sheng Fenghua with burning eyes and said, "Please help me."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua responded with a smile, and then said to her: "As a doctor, my first order for you is to go back and have a good rest."

"I listen to you!" Mei Ruolan laughed, then turned and went back upstairs.Halfway through, she stopped, turned her head to look at Sheng Fenghua, and asked, "By the way, Xiaobei's daughter-in-law, I don't know your name yet."

"Sheng Fenghua!" Sheng Fenghua said his name with a smile, but Mei Ruolan said: "Shengshi Fenghua, what a name!"

Sheng Fenghua smiled, watched Mei Ruolan go upstairs, then turned and went into the kitchen.

It wasn't until the meal was ready that he called Mei Ruolan down for lunch.During the meal, Sheng Fenghua specially cooked some chicken soup for Mei Ruolan.The chicken soup has some medicinal herbs for nourishing the body, it looks light, but it is very delicious.

Mei Ruolan drank the chicken soup, gave a thumbs up to Sheng Fenghua, and said, "Fenghua, your cooking skills are really good."

"Drink more if you like it, this soup is good for your body." Sheng Fenghua smiled, and helped Mei Ruolan serve another bowl of soup.

She was thirsty for two bowls of soup and ate half a bowl of rice before stopping.

When she was resting after the meal, she thought of the love gu that Sheng Fenghua had mentioned before, and couldn't help asking: "Fenghua, what did you mean when you said to help me get the love gu out of my body?"

Sheng Fenghua took a look at Mei Ruolan, and then said: "You may not know that when I checked your body for you, I found love Gu in your body."

 One more.

(End of this chapter)

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