Chapter 474
"What is love gu?" Mei Ruolan really didn't understand this, and when she heard that she still had love gu, she couldn't help but became worried.

"It's a kind of Gu poison. People who have been infected by this kind of Gu, no matter they are men or women, will have a soft spot for the person who committed the Gu, and they will love it with all their hearts."

"You mean..." Mei Ruolan's face turned pale, thinking about the matter between herself and that man.

Obviously before that, she loved Si Mufeng for more than ten years.She never thought that she would fall in love with someone else.But in just one month, she fell in love with that man.

If what Sheng Fenghua said was true, then that man counted on him from the beginning?
Thinking of this, Mei Ruolan was startled, and her face became ugly.At this time, a deep hatred surged in her heart. If she had only resentment when she learned that her illness was man-made, then her heart was full of hatred at this time.

"Ye Fengchi." Mei Ruolan gritted her teeth and called out the man's name. The man she had loved for ten years turned out to be a complete liar.

Sheng Fenghua looked at Mei Ruolan, but neither comforted her nor persuaded her.Now she needs a force to support her to live.

Although she could indeed cure her illness, Mei Ruolan's own will to seek sex was also quite important.If she doesn't want to live anymore, no matter how good her medical skills are, it's useless.

Mei Ruolan slowly calmed down, her face relaxed, she looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "Can you help me get out the love Gu in my body first?"

Enough is enough, she doesn't want to love that liar anymore.

"Okay, but you'll have to suffer."

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can get that thing out, even if it takes half my life, I'm willing."

"Okay, I'll help you when your cold gets better."

"Fenghua, thank you!" Mei Ruolan expressed her gratitude. At this time, she really didn't know how to thank Sheng Fenghua other than saying thank you.

Of course, she could also give money to Sheng Fenghua, but unfortunately she didn't have much money with her.

"It's not too late to thank you after your illness is cured."

After talking for a while, Mei Ruolan was a little tired, and went upstairs to rest again.Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei planned to go out for a stroll.

Today, they planned to take a good stroll, but they were delayed because of Mei Ruolan's affairs.Now, Mei Ruolan has nothing to do, and she has the motivation to live again, so they are more at ease.

So, the two changed their clothes and drove the car around.Waves, sandy beaches, birds, and cruise ships fell into the eyes of the two of them like a beautiful picture scroll.

Holding hands, the two strolled along the beach, blowing the sea breeze, and smelling the faint salty smell from the sea water, which gave Sheng Fenghua a feeling of tranquility.

Looking down, looking at the hands held by the two, a sentence popped up in my mind: Hold your hand and grow old with it.

Thinking of this sentence, she couldn't help but read it out.

"Hold your son's hand and grow old with him."

When Si Zhanbei heard his little wife read this sentence, he stopped, turned around and looked at her, his eyes were full of affection, his thin lips parted slightly, and he uttered a sentence: "Life and death depend on each other, never leave! "

After finishing speaking, with one hand, he directly brought Sheng Fenghua into his arms, holding her tightly.

The sun, the waves, the sand, and the two hugging each other constitute a beautiful picture.

With a click, a photographer in the distance freezes this scene, making it eternal.

Hearing the sound of taking pictures, the two came back to their senses and looked up.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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