ace warm marriage

Chapter 475 Finding Problems

Chapter 475 Finding Problems
At this moment, the photographer came over, looked at them apologetically, and said, "I'm sorry, I took a picture of you without your consent. However, the scene just now was really beautiful. If you want, I want to take it to the competition. If you don't want, I can give you the negatives back."

"Let us see first." Si Zhanbei said indifferently, and stretched out his hand towards the photographer.

The photographer looked at Si Zhanbei, hesitated for a moment, and handed him the camera in his hand.

Si Zhanbei took the camera and looked at the photos taken inside.The first thing he saw was the picture of himself and Sheng Fenghua.

To be honest, the level of the photographer is good, and the pictures are beautiful.Both he and Sheng Fenghua took good pictures, and the expressions on their faces were very happy.

Such photos are suitable for printing out and hanging in the living room.

Originally, he wanted to delete the photo.After all, his and Sheng Fenghua's identities are there, and their photos are not suitable for spreading.

But this photo was taken so beautifully that he couldn't bear it.So, he turned to the photographer and said, "We want this photo, and the negatives are together."

After hearing Si Zhanbei's words, the photographer felt a little regretful, and said, "You really can't let me take it for the competition?"

"Sorry, no!" Si Zhanbei sternly refused, and then said to the photographer: "We need to borrow your camera, and I will return it to you after I get our photos out."

"Ah, do you want to borrow my camera?" The photographer was startled, a little reluctant.But Si Zhanbei didn't care so much, he pointed directly at the villa where they lived not far away, and said, "Later, you can find us in that house."

Although the photographer was unwilling, seeing how strong Si Zhanbei was and seeing that he was not easy to provoke, he nodded and said unwillingly, "Okay, I'll go with you."

"Yes!" Si Zhanbei readily agreed, then took Sheng Fenghua's hand and walked to the car not far away.

Back at the villa, the three of them went to the study, and Si Zhanbei turned on the computer, ready to get the photo out.

The photos in the camera were imported into the computer, and after Si Zhanbei picked out his own, he was about to close the picture in the camera.

But inadvertently, he saw a familiar face.

"Ye Fengchi, why is it him?" Si Zhanbei stared at one of the photos and frowned.Pointing to the photo, he asked the photographer, "Where was this photo taken?"

The photographer took a look, and then reported a place name.

Hearing the name of the place, Si Zhanbei's expression changed, and he said to the photographer, "I want this photo too, so please make an offer."

"No, this isn't you, what are you going to do?" The photographer shook his head with a look of reluctance.Before, Si Zhanbei took away his photo, but he couldn't do anything about it.But now he is referring to this, he does not want to give it.

Si Zhanbei looked at the photographer coldly, without speaking.But the aura of the whole body slowly radiated out, so that the photographer couldn't help feeling a wave of fear, and finally had to agree.

Seeing that the other party let go, Si Zhanbei regained his momentum and got out the photo with Ye Fengchi.

After that, he went through all the photos again, and after making sure that there was nothing he needed, he returned the camera to the other party and gave the other party some money.

After dismissing the photographer, Si Zhanbei called up Ye Fengchi's photo again, and then made a phone call.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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