Chapter 476
Sheng Fenghua sat next to Si Zhanbei, and after he finished making the phone call, he asked, "Is there something wrong with this photo?"

"This man is Mei Ruolan's husband - Ye Fengchi. But do you know who this man is?" Si Zhanbei pointed at the man standing with Ye Fengchi.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the man and shook his head.She didn't know that man at all, so how could she know who he was?
"His name is Blood Soul, and he is a member of a terrorist organization in country A. He is a cruel and cunning guy. We have been arrested many times but he has escaped. Now it seems that someone tipped him off, and this person is probably Ye Fengchi .”

"From this point of view, this Ye Fengchi is likely to be a member of that terrorist organization." Sheng Fenghua looked at the man in the photo, with a gentle appearance and a pair of glasses, giving him a very cultivated feeling.And, most importantly, he was handsome.

No wonder Mei Ruolan fell in love with him.Such a man is born to please women.

"It's hard to say, but just because he knows Blood Soul, he has a big problem. From this point of view, we have to change our itinerary."

"Are you planning to go to City B?"

As husband and wife, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei still have a tacit understanding.

"That's right!" Si Zhanbei nodded, since Ye Fengchi is in City B, he needs to meet him for a while.Maybe from him, we can find clues about the disappearance of my uncle.

"When do you plan to leave?" Sheng Fenghua asked.As a wife, it is absolutely necessary for the husband to sing and the wife to follow.Anyway, as long as she was with Si Zhanbei, no matter where she went, it was the same for her.

"Tomorrow morning!" There were still four days left in their vacation, and he hoped to find something during these four days.

"Okay, I'll go book a ticket." Sheng Fenghua got up and left the study.

After Sheng Fenghua left, Si Zhanbei made another phone call.This call, he made to the head of the army.He reported the discovery to the chief.

For the news provided by Si Zhanbei, the chief attached great importance to it and held a meeting in time.

At the meeting, it was unanimously decided that Si Zhanbei would be solely responsible for investigating this matter.

So, Si Zhanbei was on a good vacation, and had an extra task.However, for this task, he was willing to accept it.

Because, even if the chiefs don't give him the task, he will still investigate.

After Sheng Fenghua booked the air ticket, he went to Mei Ruolan's resting room and told her that he and Si Zhanbei were going to City B.

When Mei Ruolan heard that the two were going to City B, she resisted in her heart.She didn't want to go back so soon, she wanted to wait until her illness was cured before going back.

But she also knew that Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua must have urgent matters, otherwise they wouldn't have left so suddenly.

Therefore, Mei Ruolan thought about it and decided to leave with Sheng Fenghua and the others.

However, before leaving, she asked Sheng Fenghua to help her get out the love gu.She wanted to hate that man, so she wanted to take out the love gu.

Sheng Fenghua looked at Mei Ruolan, she somewhat understood her thoughts, but taking Gu poison was a very painful thing, especially now that Mei Ruolan not only had a cold, but also had advanced cancer, so she wanted to take Gu poison It's even more painful.

"Taking Gu is a very painful thing, it will be very painful, are you sure you can bear it now?"

Sheng Fenghua reminded Mei Ruolan to prepare her heart.It can be regarded as fulfilling the duties of a doctor. She has to tell Mei Ruolan the worst situation, and then she can decide whether to do it or not.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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