ace warm marriage

Chapter 520 Visiting the writer

Chapter 520 The writer's visit ([-])

Miss Wen, on the other hand, took a deep look at Sheng Fenghua, her expression a little unsightly.She has liked Si Zhanbei since she was a child, and she often observed him secretly, and even followed him.

Later, when he grew up, the elders in the family intended to marry the Si family.Her heart was tied to Si Zhanbei, even when she went abroad, she was not very willing.

She didn't agree until Grandma Wen assured her that she would become Si Zhanbei's wife.

Now that she has finished her studies and returned to China, the two families are planning to discuss marriage, but a woman appears beside Si Zhanbei, but a woman from the countryside.

What's even more annoying is that Si Zhanbei even obtained a certificate with the other party.Therefore, she was full of hostility towards Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua felt Wen Jianing's hostility immediately.Looking up, she glanced at Wen Jianing, and then turned slightly towards her.

But her smile made Wen Jianing's face change. She felt that Sheng Fenghua was laughing at her and provoking her.However, she didn't explode immediately, but also smiled back at Sheng Fenghua, which was very provocative.

After a smile, both of them looked away.

At this time, Grandpa Wen took a look at Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua, and just about to speak, he heard old man Si say, "Let me introduce you, this is my useless grandson Zhanbei."

After introducing Si Zhanbei, Mr. Si paused before introducing Sheng Fenghua: "This is Zhanbei's wife, Fenghua!"

As soon as the words "Zhanbei's daughter-in-law" came out, the faces of the two elders of the Wen family changed, only Wen Jianing, who had known it for a long time, remained unchanged.

Yesterday, when Si Muyuan called her, she told her.Si Zhanbei not only married his wife, but also treated his wife very well.

"Zhanbei, Fenghua, this is the second elder of the Wen family, and the young lady of the Wen family."

Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua nodded, and then greeted them: "Grandpa Wen, Grandma Wen, and Miss Wen."

Hearing the two greet each other, the two elders of the Wen family came back to their senses, looked at Mr. Si and asked, "Zhan Bei is married, why didn't we know? I haven't heard you mention it before."

Speaking of this matter, Mr. Si has a lot of opinions.He glared at Si Zhanbei and said, "Don't say it's you, I just found out that this kid got married."

"You mean, he found this daughter-in-law by himself, who's daughter?" Grandma Wen asked Sheng Fenghua with a glance.

"This..." Mr. Si glanced at Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua, and didn't know how to answer for a while.Sheng Fenghua has no family background, and he came from the countryside.It is impossible for him to directly say that my granddaughter-in-law is a village girl.

In this case, it will be very embarrassing.

But Sheng Fenghua didn't care about these things, he laughed and said: "I came from the countryside, I don't have any family background, and I'm not the daughter of any famous person, I made a few of you laugh."

Sheng Fenghua is generous, frank and unaffected, no worse than a woman from an aristocratic family, which makes Mr. Si very satisfied.

Before yesterday, he really cared about Sheng Fenghua's background, but since she saw a doctor for him and saw her face resembling someone in memory, his mind has dissipated a lot.

In addition, last night, he really stopped coughing, and had his first good night's sleep in the past few months, which was very rare for Sheng Fenghua.

"From the countryside?" Grandma Wen's complexion turned a little sour, she curled her lips when she saw Elder Si, and said with disdain, "Brother Si, why don't you let your Zhanbei marry a country girl?"

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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