ace warm marriage

Chapter 521 Do You Think You Are Deserving Of Him?

Chapter 521 Do You Think You Are Deserving Of Him?

"What's the matter with the country girl?" Si Zhanbei was upset, he glanced at Grandma Wen, and said, "I like it, is it getting in the way of other people's business?"

No, Grandma Wen was a little displeased when she heard this, and she put on the posture of a vice-elder, and said earnestly: "Zhan Bei, you are still young, and you don't understand many things. This marriage pays attention to the right marriage, otherwise it will easily happen. contradiction."

"That's my business, what does it have to do with you?"

Grandma Wen's face darkened, and she was very annoyed when she saw that Si Zhanbei didn't get in.However, she did not intend to preach to Si Zhanbei anymore, but looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Girl, do you think you are worthy of him?"

Seeing that Grandma Wen couldn't convince Si Zhanbei, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help laughing and said, "I don't know what Madam Wen is talking about? If it's about family background, my family background really doesn't match him. But if it’s about people, I believe I’m more than enough for him.”

"You?" Grandma Wen didn't expect Sheng Fenghua not only to not feel inferior because of her family background, but to be confident.She didn't understand where Sheng Fenghua's confidence came from.

Moreover, Sheng Fenghua's conversation didn't look like someone from the countryside.

Could it be that the girls from the countryside are all so powerful now?
Grandma Wen frowned and looked at Sheng Fenghua.

Facing Grandma Wen's gaze, Sheng Fenghua smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.Turning her head, she looked at Mr. Si and asked, "Mr. Si, how did you sleep last night?"

When Sheng Fenghua mentioned this, Mr. Si was very happy and said, "I slept well, thanks to you."

"Old Si, you're being polite!" Sheng Fenghua smiled, and took a sip of the tea beside him.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua and Si Lao got along pretty well, Grandma Wen's face became more and more ugly.Before, Si Lao had always intended to marry the Wen family, and she also thought that the daughter-in-law of the Si family would definitely be her Wen family's daughter.

Unexpectedly, Sheng Fenghua came out halfway and married Si Zhanbei directly.This is simply slapping her Wen family in the face.

Thinking about it, Grandma Wen's complexion became worse and worse. She glanced at Elder Si and asked in a neutral tone, "Brother Si, should you give me an explanation for the Wen family?"

"What does Mrs. Wen mean?" Mr. Si glanced at Mrs. Wen, his face darkened.

He knew the intention of the second elder of the Wen family bringing his granddaughter here today.If it was before, he would definitely approve of this marriage.

But it's different now. Now he has a very good impression of Sheng Fenghua.In addition, she looks very similar to someone, and he has an extra layer of love for Sheng Fenghua.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Wen sneered, glanced at Si Zhanbei, and said, "You don't know the meaning of our visit today, but now it has become like this. Shouldn't you give our Wen family a Say it?"

Mr. Si frowned slightly, glanced at the Wen family members, and asked with a puzzled expression: "What do you mean? Do you have any other intentions for coming here today besides seeing my old man?"

"You?" Grandma Wen was very angry at Si Lao pretending to be confused.These tacit things, they have never made it clear, but they don't want to just give Si Lao a loophole to pretend to be confused.

"Ma'am, don't talk about it. We just came to see Brother Si today, there is no other meaning." Old Man Wen finally spoke up and persuaded his wife.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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