ace warm marriage

Chapter 528 Make up for a wedding

Chapter 528 Make up a wedding

"So you haven't held a wedding yet?" Mr. Chen asked Si Zhanbei, seeing him nodding, he blamed him again, and said, "Zhanbei, this is your fault. As a man, why don't you marry me?" Don't you even have this awareness?"

"Yes, yes, it is indeed my problem, and I will definitely correct it." Si Zhanbei cooperated extremely, as if he knew his mistake and corrected it.

Seeing the two talking and talking about the wedding, not only Sheng Fenghua was in a daze, but the other two old people were also in a daze.

"Your Zhanbei married a girl from another family, but didn't hold a wedding ceremony? Old man Si, this is something wrong with your family." Mr. Xu found a topic, and got into a fight with Mr. Si again.

Mr. Si blushed a little when he was told, he gave Si Zhanbei a hard look and said, "Didn't this kid not tell me? If I knew, why wouldn't he be allowed to hold a wedding?"

"It's not too late to know now, let's make up one."

"Replenish, definitely make up." Old Master Si made a final decision with a punch. Before that, he felt that Sheng Fenghua's background was a bit unreliable.

It's different now. Among other things, Sheng Fenghua's medical skills are enough to save him face.

"Okay, when the time comes, I will definitely participate, and I'm still giving Zhanbei's daughter-in-law a big gift."

"That's daring!"

"What are you happy about? It's not for you."

"Can you handle it?"

Seeing that the two old men were about to quarrel again, Sheng Fenghua shook his head and was speechless again.

Fortunately, the two didn't quarrel for long, and they talked about Sheng Fenghua's medical skills again.At this time, old man Xu remembered that he hadn't asked Sheng Fenghua how to heal his old injuries.

So, he looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "Daughter-in-law Zhanbei, I forgot to ask just now, how can I heal my old injury?"

Sheng Fenghua laughed, and said: "In the early stage, you need acupuncture to open up the tendons and veins where you were injured, and then you have to rub a medicinal wine. After three months, just take some recuperating medicine."

"Then when can you help me heal my injury?" Mr. Xu was a little anxious. It will be rainy season in another month, and he doesn't want to be like before, lying in bed most of the time.

"It depends on when it is convenient for you."

"It's convenient for me at any time. Otherwise, you can follow me home later." Mr. Xu is impatient, and he wished Sheng Fenghua would not help him treat him now.

Sheng Fenghua looked at the anxious old man Xu, and said, "Grandpa Xu, I'm afraid I can't do it today, I have to go back and prepare some things, tomorrow. You can wait for me at home tomorrow morning, okay?"

"Okay, tomorrow will be tomorrow." Mr. Xu nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, he thought of Mr. Chen's arthritis again, and couldn't help asking: "Daughter-in-law of Zhanbei, if you can cure my old injury, then old man Chen's arthritis can also be cured?"

"It's ok, his is easier to treat, just get some ointment and stick it on."

"In this case, you also cured old man Chen's arthritis."

"Don't worry, Grandpa Xu, when the time comes, I'll prepare the ointment and send it to Grandpa Chen's house."

"Okay, Zhan Bei didn't misunderstand the person, he is a good boy." Seeing Sheng Fenghua like this, Mr. Xu couldn't help but praise him, which made Mr. Si proud again, and said, "That's right, you don't look at it either. See whose grandson it is."

However, his words caused old master Xu to roll his eyes, and then ignored him.

Mr. Xu didn't want to talk to Mr. Si anymore, so he chatted with Sheng Fenghua and asked about her family background.

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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