Chapter 529

When Mr. Xu heard that Sheng Fenghua was just a child from the countryside, he couldn't help comforting him: "It's okay, we don't rely on our family background, but on ourselves."

After a pause, he suddenly said again: "If someone dares to look down on you, you can report my name and say she is my granddaughter."

"Grandpa Xu, thank you!" Sheng Fenghua's heart warmed, and he thanked Mr. Xu.

Elder Si on the side looked at Elder Xu who was about to support Sheng Fenghua, his eyes flickered.I thought to myself, if Sheng Fenghua could really catch the eyes of this old man, it would be good.

Even if she came from a poor background, no one would dare to do anything to her with the protection of a few of their old fellows.

Of course, he will protect her himself.After all, Sheng Fenghua is already a member of the Si family, if he is not protected by the Si family, who will protect him?

"Thank you? If my old injury can really be cured, I should be the one to say thank you." Mr. Xu waved his hand and said with a smile.

He was in a very good mood today, and felt that although Mr. Si was not very pleasing, he always supported him, but this time he was a good person and brought Sheng Fenghua and the others here.

Both Sheng Fenghua and Mr. Xu had finished speaking, seeing that Si Zhanbei was still discussing the wedding with Mr. Chen, he couldn't help being speechless.

To be honest, in his previous life, Sheng Fenghua also thought about what kind of wedding he would hold if he got married.But in her previous life, she was killed before she got married.

After being reborn, she is a married person again, and the wedding has nothing to do with her.

Si Zhanbei and Mr. Chen hadn't finished talking when a few more old people came, so they stopped talking temporarily and said hello to the old people.

Everyone arrived, and the old man finally started their party.

It was Sheng Fenghua's first time attending an old people's gathering, and he couldn't help being a little curious.I don't know what these old people are going to do when they get together.

However, when she saw the old people take out the things that brought people, she immediately understood.It turned out that these old people planned to hold a concert for the elderly.

Therefore, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua became the only audiences for this concert.

Needless to say, these old people each have their own unique skills.Mr. Si can play the erhu, Mr. Xu can play the flute, Mr. Chen can play the flute, some other old men can play the violin, and some can play the saxophone.

It was an hour after listening to the old people's performance, Si Zhanbei watched the old people communicate with each other, and lowered his head to talk to Sheng Fenghua.

The communication lasted for about half an hour, and it was not until it was almost time for lunch that everyone said goodbye to each other and made an appointment for the next meeting.

Because Si Zhanbei rarely came back and brought his wife back, several old people who had a good relationship decided to have a meal together.

Neither Si Zhanbei nor Sheng Fenghua had any objections to this decision.After asking the old people their preferences, I made a phone call.

After receiving the call, Xu Qicheng immediately got into a queue.It was still the courtyard house that Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei used to clean up, but the private room was changed to a larger one, suitable for old people to chat.

When the group arrived, Xu Qicheng was already waiting in the yard.

Seeing his grandson, Mr. Xu was very happy, stepped forward and gave him a punch, and said, "You boy, I usually ask you to go home, but I just push back and say that I am busy with work, and if he calls Zhanbei, you can just call me." He came running in a hurry."

 Sixth, thank you for the reward of flying freely, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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