ace warm marriage

Chapter 535 What are you going to do?

Chapter 535 What are you going to do?
In this way, it can be ruled out that the other party is targeting him.I don't know why, since Mei Ruolan came back from his trip, he always felt that something was going to happen.

Therefore, he became more and more cautious, for fear that if he made a mistake, he would risk his wealth and life.

"Who says no? Otherwise, I really want to learn more from Ye Dong?" Si Zhanbei expressed his admiration and admiration for Ye Fengchi in a timely manner, which made Ye Fengchi feel happy, and said with a smile: "Learn more." It’s not about talking, it’s just communicating with each other.”

The two of you come and go, a temptation, a compliment, and time passes quickly.

Si Zhanbei saw that it was getting late, and he would not gain more today, so he bid farewell to Ye Fengchi.

Ye Fengchi also made a similar test, but he didn't stay with Zhanbei much, and asked the security guard to escort him away.

After leaving the clubhouse, Si Zhanbei drove the car straight away.

Yang Lei, who had been guarding outside all the time, was relieved to see Si Zhanbei coming out, but at the same time a little disappointed.He made a phone call to Si Zhanbei, and after the two made an appointment to meet, they left by another road.

After Si Zhanbei left, Ye Fengchi stood up, walked to the window, watched Si Zhanbei's car slowly drive away from the clubhouse, and then stood quietly for another half an hour, making sure that Si Zhanbei had no accomplices. Only then did he return to the sofa, and then he called for the security guard to question him.

When he asked the security guards and found out where Si Zhanbei had gone, his doubts arose again.Then he took out his phone and called.

"How did I ask you to investigate?" Ye Fengchi asked.

Then after the charity party, he sent people to check Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua.But there has been no news. He will see Si Zhanbei, and he can't help urging him.

Before confirming Si Zhanbei's true identity, he was still worried.Even though he didn't find out anything, he was still worried.

For some reason, he just felt that Si Zhanbei was probably coming after him.

"We have found some information, but it is similar to what Madam said. There is indeed no problem with their identities, and they really saved Madam."

"Check it out again." Ye Fengchi was still worried after hearing this.

"Okay, boss!"

The other party agreed, and Ye Fengchi hung up the phone.

After that, Ye Fengchi didn't stay too long, nor did he wait for the blood soul to come out, and drove away from the clubhouse by himself.

Besides, Si Zhanbei, after leaving the clubhouse, the car turned a corner and went to the place that he had agreed with Yang Lei.

When they arrived at the place, Yang Lei was already waiting there.Seeing him coming, he asked eagerly, "Young Master, did you find anything?"

"Yes, I saw the blood soul there, but unfortunately I couldn't catch it." Speaking of this, Si Zhanbei looked regretful. If he wasn't discovered by the security guard and stopped him, he would have to say anything today. Blood Soul was caught.

"Blood Soul, are you sure?"

"One hundred percent sure."

"It seems that this Ye Fengchi is really problematic."

"What are you going to do next?"

"Ye Fengchi is a cautious person, and it has always been difficult to get a handle on him. Unless he has made a move recently and we caught him squarely, otherwise it will be difficult to get him to do it."

"Speaking of this, I remembered it. Just now, the bureau called and said that the secret line revealed that the terrorist organization in country A recently had a transaction in city B."

"Did they take action recently?" Si Zhanbei was a little surprised, he was worried that he would not be able to catch Ye Fengchi.I don't want to, someone brought me a pillow just as I dozed off.

"Yes, the exact time and place have not been found yet."

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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