Chapter 536
"Well, I'll figure out a way." Si Zhanbei thought for a while and said.Now, their people have no way to break into Ye Fengchi's side, it seems that Mei Ruolan can only take one risk.

"Okay, I'll get someone to check it out, and we'll get in touch when the time comes." Yang Lei and Si Zhanbei left and went back to the bureau, while Si Zhanbei drove directly to Xu's house.

On the way, he specially called Mei Ruolan, asking her to pay more attention to Ye Fengchi's whereabouts recently.

Mei Ruolan agreed, and as soon as she hung up the phone, she discovered that Ye Fengchi had rarely returned home in the morning.

"Who called just now?" Ye Fengchi couldn't help asking when she saw Mei Ruolan hanging up the phone as soon as she entered the room.

Recently, he even began to doubt Mei Ruolan.In the past, he always felt that Mei Ruolan was under his control, but since she came back from a trip, he found that she seemed to be gradually getting out of his control.

This made him very uneasy.

"Oh, Xiaobei called, saying he saw you in the clubhouse, and said that if he had known you were the owner of the clubhouse, he wouldn't have wasted the money."

Fortunately, Si Zhanbei guessed that Ye Fengchi might ask Mei Ruolan about him when he returned home, so he communicated with her in advance.

"Really? That kid still needs that much money?" Ye Fengchi smiled faintly, changed his shoes in the entrance, walked to the sofa and sat down.

"Honey, have you finished your work today? Why did you come back so early?" Mei Ruolan sat down beside him, endured the hatred in her heart, and leaned against him as usual.

Seeing Mei Ruolan's small movements, Ye Fengchi's eyes flickered, he put his arms around her waist, and said: "I don't have much to do today, so I came home to accompany you. A while ago, I was in a bad mood and let you down I'm sorry!"

"Husband, don't say that. Mei's achievements today are all due to your hard work. But I stay at home all day, and I can't share it with you. The one who should say I'm sorry is me." Mei Ruolan She rubbed against Ye Fengchi's arms, with a look of understanding.

"Fool, we are husband and wife, how can we care about so much?" Ye Fengchi tightened the arms around Mei Ruolan, and laughed.

"Husband, you are so kind!" Mei Ruolan said softly, then choked up, and said, "It's a pity that my body is not up to par, and I got terminally ill. If I can, I really want to grow old with you. I hate it God didn't give me this chance, I'm sorry for you."

As she spoke, Mei Ruolan began to cry.

Ye Fengchi looked at the woman crying in his arms, a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.But the words that were extremely gentle were spoken on his mouth.

"Ruolan, don't worry. Now that the technology is so advanced, there will be a cure for your illness. After I finish my work, I will take you abroad for treatment, okay?"

"That's good, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for that time."

"How could it be? Ruolan is so strong, she can definitely wait. Be good, don't think too much, if you are tired, I will take you back to your room to rest."

Mei Ruolan nodded, Ye Fengchi helped her stand up, and went to the bedroom on the second floor.

After entering the room, Ye Fengchi placed Mei Ruolan on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and told her to take a good rest before leaving.

As soon as he left the room, his originally gentle face instantly darkened.He turned his head and glanced at the closed door, then turned and went to the study.

Mei Ruolan was lying on the bed, and when she heard Ye Fengchi's footsteps walking away, she quietly got up, and then went to the study lightly.

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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