ace warm marriage

Chapter 541 Another White Lotus Flower

Chapter 541 Another White Lotus
It can be seen that Wen Jianing did it on purpose.The mountain road was originally small, but she deliberately stood in the middle, so that they couldn't pass it at all.

So, I have to listen to her nonsense here.

"It seems that we are really destined." Wen Jianing laughed, and when he said the word "we", he only looked at Si Zhanbei.

However, Si Zhanbei didn't look at her except for the first time.Instead, he looked sideways at his little wife and left the matter to her.

Sheng Fenghua was extremely satisfied with Si Zhanbei's performance.But Wen Jianing's face was a bit ugly, she didn't expect that Si Zhanbei didn't even want to look at her, but kept looking at Sheng Fenghua beside him instead.

Could it be that she is a dignified miss from the literary family, a returnee studying abroad, she must be talented, good-looking, and have a family background, so she can't compare to a village girl?
Sheng Fenghua felt the change in Wen Jianing's face, and the smile on his face became stronger, and he said, "Miss Wen, it seems that you are planning to go back? I don't know if we can make way, we haven't started shopping yet."

Wen Jianing saw that Sheng Fenghua had said everything for this sake, and Si Zhanbei ignored her, so he had to move aside to let them pass.

However, when Sheng Fenghua passed by her, she deliberately touched Sheng Fenghua, trying to make her look ugly, preferably by falling off.

However, her wishful thinking was wrong, and everyone said that it is necessary to have the intention of harming others and the desire to guard against others. Sheng Fenghua has long been on guard against her.

When she made the movement of bumping into someone, Sheng Fenghua dodged and avoided it.

In this way, Wen Jianing had no support for hitting someone, and fell to one side and fell to the ground.Wen Jianing didn't expect Sheng Fenghua to react so quickly and avoid it.But she herself fell down because of this, and her face was ugly.

However, with a flash in her eyes, she immediately had a calculation in her heart, so she cried out with an ouch.

Wen Jianing wanted to use this to get Si Zhanbei's attention, but he didn't want Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua to speed up their pace as if they didn't hear it.

Seeing the two of them like this, Wen Jianing secretly hated them, and shouted at their backs: "Ms. Sheng, are you going to leave just like that after bumping into someone?"

Wen Jianing originally wanted to call Si Zhanbei, but she also knew that Si Zhanbei would probably ignore her.But calling Sheng Fenghua was different. If Si Zhanbei really cared about Sheng Fenghua, he would definitely respond.

Sure enough, Wen Jianing was right, after hearing her words, Si Zhanbei's expression darkened, he turned to look at her and said coldly: "Miss Wen, you can eat more of this meal, but don't talk nonsense. When did my wife hit you? Could it be that you didn't fall on purpose?"

Wen Jianing's face turned ugly, although she made Si Zhanbei turn his head back as she wished, but his words were so heart-wrenching.

Yes, she did it on purpose, knowing it was one thing, but being exposed to someone else's face was another.

Si Zhanbei slapped him so hard that Wen Jianing's calculations came to naught.She originally wanted to win the sympathy of the nearby mountain climbers, but she didn't want to steal the opportunity to lose money.The sympathy was not won, but it made everyone look at her strangely.

Sensing other people's eyes, Wen Jianing wished he could find a hole in the ground and get in.Looking at the backs of Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua going away, she secretly hated her.

It's not that Sheng Fenghua didn't feel the knife-like gaze behind him, but he didn't want to pay attention to it.She didn't want to spoil her interest in the game because of Wen Jianing.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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