ace warm marriage

Chapter 542 No one can bully her

Chapter 542 No one can bully her

It's just that many times, many things, it's not that she doesn't want to deal with it, so she can ignore it.

At this moment, Si Muyuan got out from some corner, and stopped them with her hand.She looked at Sheng Fenghua and said with disdain: "A village girl is just a village girl, she has no education at all. If you bump into someone, won't you even say an apology?"

"Why are you here?" Si Zhanbei saw Si Muyuan and listened to her words with a very bad expression.It seems that Si Muyuan and Wen Jianing are getting together.

"Si Zhanbei, why did you talk to your elders? Could it be that you've been with a village girl for so long that you don't even understand the most basic manners?" Si Muyuan glared at Si Zhanbei and asked loudly.Her voice was so loud that everyone nearby could hear it.

As a result, all the eyes that were originally on Wen Jianing fell on Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua.

Especially Si Muyuan's words about village girl made them despise Sheng Fenghua even more.

Seeing Si Muyuan making trouble here, Sheng Fenghua's face darkened, his eyes turned cold, and said, "What's wrong with the village girl? At least the village girl will not be like Ms. Si, who will go back to her mother's house every day after getting married, and always go back to her natal home after getting married. I want to take care of my natal family's affairs. A village girl will not blame her relatives like Ms. Si, without knowing what is right and what is wrong."

"I'm going back to my mother's house, can you be an outsider?" Si Muyuan's face turned ugly, and Sheng Fenghua hit her sore spot.

At first, she went back to live with her natal family because she had a quarrel with her husband and was angry.Later, I got used to it and didn't want to leave.

But that day, she was kicked out by Mr. Si, and she still had a grudge in her heart.She felt that Sheng Fenghua was to blame, if it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have been kicked out.

I don't want to, Sheng Fenghua is still talking about this today, and the tone in her heart can't help it immediately.Stretching out his hand, he wanted to hit someone, but Si Zhanbei caught him, and said coldly, "Sister, do you dare to hit her?"

Si Muyuan was frightened by the ruthlessness in Si Zhanbei's eyes, her face turned pale, but she dared not admit defeat, and said, "So what if I hit her? Can you still kill me?"

"Sister-in-law, I won't kill you, but if you dare to touch my daughter-in-law's finger, I will let you know how to write the word regret?"

"How dare you!" Si Muyuan became angry and stared at Si Zhanbei.

"Do you think I dare?" Si Zhanbei looked at Si Muyuan coldly, and said, "She is my wife, and no one can bully her except me."

After finishing speaking, Si Zhanbei let go of Si Muyuan's hand, seeing that she still wanted to make a move, he said coldly: "If you don't want to be abandoned by your uncle, and you don't want to be the first daughter of an aristocratic family to be divorced, you'd better know when enough is enough. "

These words hit Si Muyuan's weakness, making her raised hand freeze in mid-air.

In the end, Si Muyuan failed to take advantage, so she gave Si Zhanbei a hard look, pointed at Sheng Fenghua and said, "She bumped into Miss Wen just now, can't an apology to Miss Wen be too much?"

Hearing this, Si Zhanbei sneered and said, "Which eye of yours saw my wife bump into Miss Wen?"

"If she didn't hit it, why would Ms. Wen fall to the ground?" Si Muyuan said it as a matter of course, but Sheng Fenghua burst out laughing, and said: "I hit her on the ground, what are you doing?" What kind of reason? Also, since I said I hit someone, there must be a reason, right? I can't just hit someone for no reason, right?"

"The reason is that you are jealous of her." What Si Muyuan said was true, making those who disdain her status as a village girl at first despise her even more.

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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