ace warm marriage

Chapter 543 Am I jealous of her?

Chapter 543 Am I jealous of her?

They actually believed such a reason!

"I'm jealous of her?" Sheng Fenghua laughed, put his hand on Si Zhanbei's arm, and said, "What is she jealous about? Does she have a good husband or a good job? Or does she have a beautiful face?" face?"

"Husband, she doesn't, otherwise she wouldn't miss my man. She just came back from abroad and hasn't been hired by any company yet. As for her face? Can't compare to Miss Ben, who is only [-] years old, isn't she?"

Sheng Fenghua's words directly slapped Wen Jianing's face, making Wen Jianing's face turn red and white.At this moment, she was too angry to say a word.

In his heart, he hated Sheng Fenghua and Si Muyuan to death.If it wasn't for Si Muyuan's meddling, how could Sheng Fenghua say in front of everyone that she was interested in Si Zhanbei.

Although, she doesn't think it's wrong to like someone.But the person she likes already has another partner, and that is her loan.

In this society, people have never had a good impression of mistresses.It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a rat crossing the street.

Sure enough, as soon as Sheng Fenghua finished speaking, everyone's eyes immediately shifted to Wen Jianing, and the contempt in their eyes was also directed at Wen Jianing.

At this moment, Wen Jianing wished he could find a crack in the ground and get in.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Si Muyuan also knew that Sheng Fenghua's words had bad consequences for Wen Jianing, so she immediately yelled again.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Si Muyuan lightly, and then said to Si Zhanbei: "Honey, let's go, ignore these people."

"Okay!" Si Zhanbei nodded, and climbed up the mountain with Sheng Fenghua.As for Si Muyuan and Wen Jianing, neither of them looked at them again.

As for those watching the excitement, they are not within their focus.

On the top of the mountain, the two found a big rock and sat down, talking while admiring the red maples all over the mountain.

To be honest, it was the first time for Sheng Fenghua to sit and watch the scenery with his beloved like this.So, there is a strange feeling in my heart.

The two rested for a while at the top of the mountain, and then walked along the mountain road to other places.In addition to the maple forest, Xiangshan also has many other scenery, but it is not as famous as the maple leaves.

The two of them wandered around Xiangshan Mountain for most of the afternoon, and Sheng Fenghua acted coquettishly when going down the mountain, and asked Si Zhanbei to carry her down the mountain.

This is the second time that Si Zhanbei has carried his little wife on his back, although the mountain road is not easy to walk.But the little wife has a life, how dare he refuse?
What's more, carrying his little wife on his back is also a happy thing.Carrying her on his back is like carrying the whole world on his back.

After going down the mountain, the two drove to eat.This time, Si Zhanbei took Sheng Fenghua to eat western food.

After eating, the two returned home.

It was past eight o'clock when I got home.At this time, Mei Ruolan called.

Seeing the caller ID, Si Zhanbei quickly pressed the answer button and asked, "Ms. Mei, is there any progress?"

"Xiaobei, I found something in his study, I don't know if it's useful to you. I sent you an email, you can look back."

"Okay, be careful yourself, and if things change, protect yourself." Si Zhanbei confessed, he had seen Ye Fengchi's cruelty before.

Even if Mei Ruolan is his wife now, Si Zhanbei believes that once Mei Ruolan's existence threatens Ye Fengchi, he will attack Mei Ruolan without hesitation.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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