ace warm marriage

Chapter 544 What did I find

Chapter 544 What did I find

Just like giving her a love gu and injecting cancer-causing drugs before, he didn't regard Mei Ruolan as his wife at all, but regarded her as a pawn to use.

"Don't worry, I will be careful." Mei Ruolan hung up the phone, then erased the traces on her computer, and then went back to bed to sleep.

Tonight, if Ye Fengchi doesn't come back, she is comfortable alone.No need to act, no need to worry about being exposed.

Thinking of what she found that night, Mei Ruolan felt very complicated and didn't know what it was like.She never thought that Ye Fengchi was really a member of that organization as Si Zhanbei said.

Si Zhanbei went to the study, turned on the computer, and called up the information that Mei Ruolan had sent him.After reading the information, Si Zhanbei's face changed slightly, and then he called Yang Lei and asked him to arrange manpower to go to the place mentioned in Mei Ruolan's information.

That was the place and time of Ye Fengchi's mission this time.

However, for the sake of safety, Si Zhanbei also specifically told Yang Lei to be careful, and the possibility of being a trap could not be ruled out.

Yang Lei said he knew.However, regardless of whether the other party is a trap or not, he must go there, what if it is not?They missed an opportunity to capture each other.

After making the phone call, Si Zhanbei was still a little worried.For some reason, he always felt that things were not that simple.

Of course, he didn't suspect that Mei Ruolan had provided false information, but that Ye Fengchi had discovered something, so that Mei Ruolan deliberately misled them.

After all, Mei Ruolan is not a professional, and it is normal for her to show her feet.

Thinking of this, Si Zhanbei decided that he had to go out to see the situation.Otherwise, if Yang Lei and the others were put in danger because of his news, the crime would be serious.

So, Si Zhanbei went out of the study, came to the bedroom, and said to Sheng Fenghua, "Daughter-in-law, I'll go out for a while."

"You want to go out? I'll go with you." Sheng Fenghua stopped his undressed hand, looked at Si Zhanbei and said.Going out this big night must be something.And she was worried that Si Zhanbei would go out alone.

"No, daughter-in-law, take a good rest at home, I'll be back soon." Si Zhanbei shook his head with a smile, he didn't want Sheng Fenghua to get involved.Moreover, after playing all afternoon today, Sheng Fenghua was already tired.How could he have the heart to let her accompany him to take risks at this time?

"Okay!" Seeing that Si Zhanbei disagreed, Sheng Fenghua didn't insist anymore.However, she has made up her mind and will secretly follow Si Zhanbei for a while.

She knew that Si Zhanbei was investigating Ye Fengchi's affairs, and she also knew that Si Zhanbei didn't let her go because it was dangerous.But as his wife, how could she watch him take risks alone?
Si Zhanbei didn't know Sheng Fenghua's plan at all, and thought he had persuaded her.

So, after watching Sheng Fenghua lie down, he touched her hair with a smile, said 'take a good rest' to her, and went out directly.

Si Zhanbei left the apartment and drove to the place Mei Ruolan mentioned. He didn't know that when he closed the door, Sheng Fenghua who was lying on the bed sat up and quickly got dressed. Then quietly followed behind him.

If it was normal, Si Zhanbei would definitely be vigilant.After all, it is no small matter for someone to follow you.But today, he was only thinking about Ye Fengchi.In addition, he never thought that his little wife would follow him secretly.

 One more.

(End of this chapter)

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