ace warm marriage

Chapter 546 Identity Exposed

Chapter 546 Identity Exposed
Obviously, Si Zhanbei should be sent from above.

It seems that the senior management of Huaxia has already suspected him.However, it will take time to catch him.And he can take advantage of this time to play with them.

He wanted to see if it was his blood blade or the people sent by the high-level Huaxia.

"What are you looking at?" Seeing Ye Fengchi standing by the window, Xuehun couldn't help but also followed, and asked.

"Look for yourself." Ye Fengchi handed the telescope to Blood Soul, then returned to the sofa and sat down.Now, everything is going as expected, the big fish has been hooked, and it will only wait for the net to be collected in a while.

Thinking about it, Ye Fengchi became proud, then took out a cigar and lit it, and put it to his mouth to smoke.

Looking at the situation below, Xuehun finally understood what Ye Fengchi meant by fishing.It turns out that this fishing is not that fishing.

"A spy appeared beside you?" Blood Soul looked at it for a while, then returned to the place where he was sitting.

"That's right." Ye Fengchi said lightly, his face a bit uneasy.

"Then you should be more careful recently." Xuehun also looked squarely at it, Ye Fengchi was very important to the organization.He also knows a lot, and if something happens, it may endanger the organization.

"I know, and you are the same. Don't be trapped in those women all day long. Many times, things go wrong with women." Ye Fengchi reminded.He has a lot of connections with Blood Soul, and if something happens to Blood Soul, he will also be implicated.

"Don't worry, I have my sense of proportion." Xuehun didn't take Ye Fengchi's words to heart. He only had one hobby in his life, and that was playing with women.

Seeing the blood soul like this, Ye Fengchi didn't say much.I looked down at the watch, and it was almost time for my own design, so I stood up again, ready to see how the situation below was going.

At this time, Yang Lei and the criminal police team were already approaching the courtyard.But just as they continued to approach, a black figure suddenly ran out of nowhere and fired a shot in their direction.

The gunshot not only alarmed Yang Lei and the others, but also alarmed the people in the courtyard.They rushed out together and shot at Yang Lei and the others.

Yang Lei looked at the person who rushed out, made a decisive decision, and shot him dead.As for the black shadow who shot and fled first, Yang Lei couldn't spare the manpower to chase after him.

On the other hand, Si Zhanbei later saw someone running out from the front with a gun, and immediately chased after him.

He drove the car at a relatively fast speed, and gradually closed the distance to the black shadow.While chasing after him with his car, he looked at the black figure and always felt that the back of the other party was somewhat familiar.

But for a while, I can't remember where I saw it.

Si Zhanbei could only shake his head, get rid of the thoughts in his mind, and increase his horsepower to chase after him.But the black shadow was obviously familiar with the roads here, and after making several turns, he directly dumped Si Zhanbei.

When Si Zhanbei looked for him again, the man had already run away on a motorcycle.

Si Zhanbei couldn't catch up with him, and Si Zhanbei's expression became a little gloomy. Then he turned the car around and headed towards the previous courtyard.

Soon, when they arrived at the place, they saw Yang Lei directing his men to clean up the battlefield.

"how is the situation?"

"We were tricked. Although there are some outlaws here, it is not a place for the other party to trade. There is nothing inside."

After hearing this, Si Zhanbei's expression changed, and he secretly said, "No!"

"what happened?"

"My identity may have been exposed." After Si Zhanbei finished speaking, he thought of Mei Ruolan again, so he stopped talking to Yang Lei, took out his phone and called her.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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