Chapter 547
The phone rang, but no one answered, and Si Zhanbei's heart gradually sank.His intuition told him that something must have happened to Mei Ruolan.

"Captain Yang, I leave this place to you, I have to leave first." Si Zhanbei confessed, and then went to his car.

But at this moment, a burst of gunfire sounded, and bullets were fired in their direction.

Si Zhanbei looked up, and at some point, some men in black suddenly appeared outside and were shooting at them.

The praying mantis is attacking the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

Si Zhanbei's face turned ugly, this Ye Fengchi was really ruthless.

He quickly pulled out the gun he was carrying, and fought back at those people.The members of the criminal police team also put down the corpses in their hands at the same time, and each found a cover to fight back.

Those men in black came so aggressively that they directly trapped Si Zhanbei and the criminal police team in the courtyard.

Ye Fengchi stood in front of the window, watching the battle below, with a smug smile on his face.Today, he designed this out, one is to test Mei Ruolan, and the other is to teach the criminal police a lesson, let them know that the Blood Shadow Organization is not easy to mess with.

As long as they think about it, there is nothing they can't do.

"Master Si, we've been tricked." Yang Lei fought back while taking time to talk to Si Zhanbei.

"Yeah, this Ye Fengchi is really an old fox. He counted us all in." Si Zhanbei's face was not very good. After performing so many tasks, it was the first time he was counted like this.

Very good, he remembered Ye Fengchi.

"What should we do now?"

"What else can I do, either wait for rescue or rush out." Si Zhanbei sighed, thinking of a way to break through.

"There are too many of them, we may not be able to rush out." Yang Lei looked at the men in black, who outnumbered them by twice as many.Moreover, the opponent's marksmanship is also very good, almost one shot is accurate.

"Then we can only wait." Si Zhanbei replied, then found an opportunity, jumped to the other side, and formed a pincer attack with Yang Lei.

"When the reinforcements arrive, the day lily will be cold, we'll figure out a way for ourselves." Yang Lei said with some frustration, who would have thought that Ye Fengchi would be so bold as to play with them like this.

"Okay, you cover, I'll see if I can rush out." After Si Zhanbei finished speaking, he rushed outside without waiting for Yang Lei's response.

However, his attack was blocked by the man in black with all his strength, and he was forced back before even reaching the door.

"The enemy's firepower is too fierce to rush out." Si Zhanbei retreated to his original position with a very bad expression on his face.These people obviously want to trap them here.

Now, just one bomb and they're all done.

When Si Zhanbei didn't know what to do, a few more gunshots came from outside.With the gunshots came, one after another men in black fell down.

Hearing the gunshot, Si Zhanbei's expression brightened, and then he became worried again.He had already heard the sound of the gun, it was the sound of Sheng Fenghua's gun.

Thinking that it was Sheng Fenghua who came outside, after Si Zhanbei was pleasantly surprised, he was more worried.Sheng Fenghua is only one person, but there are many people in black.

No, he couldn't put his little wife in danger.

Thinking about it, Si Zhanbei made a decisive decision and rushed towards the door again.Because Sheng Fenghua's gunshot caught the man in black by surprise, Si Zhanbei took the opportunity to rush out.

Yang Lei and others watched and rushed out together.

As a result, the man in black was in a hurry when he attacked back and forth, but he couldn't take care of the back.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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