ace warm marriage

Chapter 548 Ruolan Was Caught

Chapter 548 Ruolan Was Caught
Upstairs, Ye Fengchi looked at his perfect plan, which fell short like this, with an ugly expression on his face.So, he directly took out the phone and ordered: "Give me a good interrogation of her."

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly, but his face was not very good.That she is none other than his wife Mei Ruolan.

Before, after he was sure that there was something wrong with Mei Ruolan, he directly sent his subordinates to arrest her at home.

But at this time, Mei Ruolan was a little happy because Ye Fengchi was not at home, and she got such important information in the study, so she felt very relaxed and slept soundly.

She didn't know that all of this was just Ye Fengchi's temptation, his trap, and she didn't know that someone would break into the house to arrest her.

So, when she was grabbed from the bed, she was taken aback and asked, "You, who are you and what do you want to do?"

The visitor gave Mei Ruolan a cold look, and took her away without saying a word, regardless of whether she was still wearing pajamas or not.

Mei Ruolan was caught by two men, pushed into a car by them, and left the house. She panicked in her heart and shouted loudly: "Open the door, I want to go out. What are you going to do? Do you know who I am? I am Mrs. Ye, the young lady of the Mei family, the eldest young lady of the Mei family, please release me soon."

"Mrs. Ye, I advise you to be quiet, otherwise we won't be sympathetic." One of the men looked at Mei Ruolan's state and said lightly.

They are Ye Fengchi's subordinates. Although Mei Ruolan is Ye Fengchi's wife, they all know what kind of person their master is.

Therefore, when Ye Fengchi ordered them to arrest people, they were not polite at all, and broke into the house directly to arrest people.

"You, who are you guys?" Mei Ruolan was startled and fell silent.These people obviously knew her identity, and they were able to enter the villa so easily to arrest people, so they definitely couldn't be ordinary people.

She remembered that she pressed the monitoring and alarm system around the villa, but when these people came in, the system did not respond at all.

If these people are not very powerful characters, they are... people from Ye Fengchi.

As soon as this idea flashed in his mind, it quickly took root and sprouted, and then he looked at them in shock.She was thinking, if they were from Ye Fengchi, would the other party already be suspicious of her.

If this is the case, will the news she sent out at night...

Thinking that the news she sent might be fake, and thinking that she might have harmed Si Zhanbei and the others, Mei Ruolan regretted and blamed herself.She still overestimated herself and underestimated Ye Fengchi.

That man is really a fox.It seems that everything in the study room was deliberately arranged by him, just to lure her into being fooled, or rather to lure Si Zhanbei and the others into being fooled.

She is so stupid, why didn't she think about it?

After all, what a shrewd person Ye Fengchi is, how could there be such a big negligence, how could she let her discover such important information?
Mei Ruolan regretted it all, but it was useless.She herself has been arrested now, and her mobile phone is still at home. It is impossible to contact Si Zhanbei and the others.

Moreover, if Ye Fengchi had really calculated everything, it would be too late even if she called Si Zhanbei and the others now.

Thinking about it, Mei Ruolan fiercely raised her hand and slammed it against the car window, startling the person who arrested her, and said coldly, "Madam Ye, what do you want to do?"

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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