ace warm marriage

Chapter 550 The Suffering of Flesh

Chapter 550 The Suffering of Flesh
This torture room was used by them for interrogation, so it was the first time to interrogate a woman, and it was also the woman of their boss.

"What do you want to know?" Mei Ruolan's heart turned cold, she glanced at the other party and asked.Originally, she was thinking of waiting until she got to the place, and then see if she could find a chance to escape.

Looking at it now, she has no chance at all.There are so many people here, she is a woman, and she is not in good health, how difficult it is to escape.

What's more, they are still interrogating her, and if she doesn't cooperate, they will punish her.

She had seen these instruments of torture when she came in, and they were all stained with blood, obviously they were often used.

"Why do you want to steal information, who is your contact person?" The man asked Mei Ruolan two questions as soon as he opened his mouth.

After hearing this, Mei Ruolan looked at him innocently, and said, "I don't know what you are talking about? What are you talking about stealing information? It sounds like a spy. Do you think that my gracious Miss Mei will be a A spy?"

"So it seems that Ye Fu will not cry when he sees the coffin." The man sighed, then picked up a torture tool, gestured in front of Mei Ruolan, and said, "Madam Ye, do you think Am I scaring you?"

"If you think this way, you are very wrong. We never scare people, even if you are a woman. If you enter here, you can only be a prisoner."

"And when we deal with disobedient and uncooperative people, we usually use torture."

"You see, this thing is stained with a lot of blood. If you don't cooperate, the next one will be stained with blood from your body."

"Speaking of which, this thing has never been stained with a woman's blood, and I don't know if this man's blood is the same as a woman's blood."

"How about it, Mrs. Ye, have you thought it over? Is it I who want to use torture, or take the initiative to confess."

"However, I would like to advise Mrs. Ye that it is better to take the initiative to explain. It is said that those who understand current affairs are heroes, and Mrs. Ye does not want to suffer from flesh and blood."

Mei Ruolan listened to the man's words and looked at the instrument of torture, feeling a little scared.But it was impossible for her to betray Si Zhanbei.

Her life was saved by Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua, and she would never be the one to avenge her kindness once.

Isn't it just a punishment?Come on, the descendant of her dignified Mei family, is she still afraid of this?
Thinking about it, Mei Ruolan raised her eyes slightly, met the man's eyes, and said, "I don't know anything, what do you want me to say?"

"It seems that Mrs. Ye doesn't want to cooperate. If this is the case, then I have nothing to say. I'll let you taste the pain first."

"By the way, once this thing is on your body, it will leave scars. Mrs. Ye should think about it. After all, you are a woman, and it is not good to have scars on your body."

"I said, I don't know anything, and you don't believe me, what can I do? I don't want to leave a scar, but will you let me go? No, so what's the point, what's the trick? Just make it out."

Mei Ruolan looked desperate, she couldn't do it if she betrayed Si Zhanbei, so she could only bear all this by herself.

"I can't see that Mrs. Ye is still a tough guy. If that's the case, then I have no choice but to be rude."

As the man said, he raised the torture instrument in his hand and approached Mei Ruolan.In order to increase Mei Ruolan's sense of fear, he deliberately slowed down his movements, getting closer to her body bit by bit.

 seven more.

(End of this chapter)

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