ace warm marriage

Chapter 551 Rescue in secret

Chapter 551 Rescue in secret
Mei Ruolan closed her eyes, not daring to look at the things in the opponent's hand.She was actually quite scared, after all, she was just a woman, and it was the first time she saw such a thing.

Although she was prepared in her heart, fear is human nature, and she couldn't control it at all.

The man looked at Mei Ruolan's fear, his eyes flickered, and he said proudly: "Mrs. Ye, it seems that you will be afraid too."

"Since this is the case, why should Mrs. Ye carry it by herself? Since we can arrest you, there must be evidence. So, Mrs. Ye, you'd better confess. Otherwise, this thing in my hand is really It's about to fall on you."

"At that time, a scar will be left, and it will not be beautiful if it is disfigured. I think, Madam Ye, you don't want to do this either, do you?"

Mei Ruolan didn't open her eyes when she heard these words, as if she didn't hear anything.Even though he was terribly afraid in his heart, he still kept cheering himself up.

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.

The man looked at him and talked for a long time, but Mei Ruolan ignored him.Immediately annoyed, and didn't want to waste any more words, she took the torture tool and landed on Mei Ruolan.

The torture instrument was on her upper body, and the pain hit her, Mei Ruolan opened her eyes suddenly, and then screamed.

The people outside laughed when they heard Mei Ruolan's screams, and said, "Brother Wen is quite ruthless. He is not afraid that the boss will settle accounts with him, after all, she is the boss's woman. Yes, the boss is out of anger, what if the weather clears and he comes to settle accounts with Brother Wen?"

"Che, you are really worrying about it. Who is the boss? If he really cared about this lady, how could he have someone arrest her, and even confessed to interrogate her. Obviously, the boss has already planned to change another one." lady."

Several people were talking vigorously, and they didn't notice that the man standing in the corner quietly left the room and headed towards the execution room.

As the man approached the torture room, Mei Ruolan's screams came into his ears more and more clearly, causing his expression to change, he covered his heart, and then quickened his pace.

In the punishment room, Mei Ruolan was not in good health. Although Sheng Fenghua gave her treatment last time, the time was too short, and it was the first treatment. It only controlled the spread of cancer cells, but failed to kill those things at all. die.

Now, after being tortured by this instrument of torture, Mei Ruolan quickly passed out.

The man was startled when he saw that Mei Ruolan was unconscious.He never thought that Mei Ruolan passed out after only a few strokes without much trouble.

Although it was the boss above who interrogated Mei Ruolan, he didn't say that he was going to kill her.Moreover, he didn't ask anything yet, if Mei Ruolan died, wouldn't they be wasting their time for nothing?
Thinking about it, the man quickly dropped his things and went to check Mei Ruolan's situation.He walked up to Mei Ruolan, stretched out his hand to test her breath, found that she was still alive, and breathed a sigh of relief.

After confirming that Mei Ruolan was not dead, the man prepared to wake her up with ice cold.But the moment he turned around, his neck hurt and he passed out.

The moment the man under interrogation fell to the ground, a black figure jumped out, stepped forward to untie Mei Ruolan, and then carried her out of the torture room, avoiding the crowd, and escaped.

Heiying was worried that the people in the room would find that Mei Ruolan was gone and catch up, so he ran quickly with Mei Ruolan on his back.

Because of his running, Mei Ruolan woke up on her back.Feeling that he was jolting forward, he opened his eyes suddenly.

 eight more.

(End of this chapter)

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