Chapter 556
"This is a secret between my uncle and me. Of course you won't be able to see it. You will understand after I tell you how to look at it." Si Zhanbei laughed, took Sheng Fenghua out of the torture room, and then Walk towards your car.

This trip, although they failed to catch those Ye Fengchi's subordinates, it gave them another harvest.Especially Si Zhanbei, having news of his uncle, this is the happiest thing.

So, all the way back, he was smiling.

After returning to the apartment, after setting up Mei Ruolan, the husband and wife went back to the room, and looked at the wooden beads brought back under the lamp.

In order to know what words were written in the beads, Si Zhanbei took out a thin paper towel and pasted it on the beads, then found a pencil and daubed on the paper towel.

As he moved, small handwriting was printed on the paper.

There were not many words written on the beads, so Si Zhanbei finished painting them quickly, and then unfolded the tissue to read.

What appeared on it was a place name and time.

"What does this mean?" Sheng Fenghua glanced at Si Zhanbei and asked.There is only one place and time, and who can guess what it is for.

"Uncle is asking me to meet." Si Zhanbei smiled, and then destroyed the tissue with the writing on it.It seems that my uncle has something to say to him.

"How did your uncle know that this bead would fall into your hands?" Sheng Fenghua couldn't help asking, this was what she couldn't understand the most.

How did Si Mufeng know where Si Zhanbei would go, and how could he leave clues in advance?Moreover, this ball is so small, it should be left in a place like the punishment room.If she didn't find out, wouldn't this clue be left in vain?
"Uncle doesn't know." Si Zhanbei shook his head, uncle is not a god, how could he know that he would go.

As for leaving clues or something, it is probably just with the mentality of giving it a try.In fact, the uncle was not sure that the thing would fall into his hands.

However, even if it fails to fall into his hands, it doesn't matter.After all, who would have thought that there would be words in this bead?

"I don't know, he still left clues, so he is not afraid of being discovered by others, and it will be bad for him?" Sheng Fenghua was a little surprised. Si Mufeng's current identity is probably an undercover agent. easily threaten his safety.

"No, no one will know that there are words on this ball, except me." Si Zhanbei looked smug, and it was precisely because of this that my uncle left clues.

Uncle is a cautious person, how could he make fun of his own safety?
"This is what you said before, the secret between you and my uncle?" Sheng Fenghua smiled, thinking of what Si Zhanbei said before.

"Yes, do you want to know?" Si Zhanbei asked with a smile. Although it was a secret between him and his uncle, Sheng Fenghua was his little wife. If you want to know, it's okay to tell her.

No, Sheng Fenghua shook his head and said, "Since it's a secret, forget it."

She didn't like knowing other people's secrets, so she refused decisively.

Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua and really didn't want to know, so he didn't say much.Stretching out his big hand, he hugged Sheng Fenghua directly and went to sleep.

The next day, Si Zhanbei sent Mei Ruolan away early in the morning.He knew that Ye Fengchi would not let it go, and that he would not let Mei Ruolan go, so he sent her to a safe place to ensure that nothing would happen to her.

After sending Mei Ruolan away, Si Zhanbei took Sheng Fenghua to the appointment.

On the way there, when Si Zhanbei thought that he would see his uncle soon, he was excited, but also a little apprehensive and nervous.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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