ace warm marriage

Chapter 557 Uncle and Nephew Meet

Chapter 557 Uncle and Nephew Meet
In order to ease this emotion, Si Zhanbei turned to talk to Sheng Fenghua.

"Daughter-in-law, do you know? My uncle is so handsome, I don't know how many girls have been fascinated by that face. Some people even call him a national male god. Many women have tried their best to meet him by chance. It's a pity that my uncle will always have only one Mei Ruolan in his eyes."

In the end, Si Zhanbei couldn't help feeling a little regretful.His amazingly talented and unparalleled handsome uncle was ruined by Mei Ruolan just like that.

If not, he would be the youngest general in China.

"Really? Prettier than you?" Sheng Fenghua turned to look at Si Zhanbei and asked with a smile.In her eyes, Si Zhanbei is the most beautiful person.

But now, Si Zhanbei told her that my uncle was prettier than him, so she was looking forward to it.

The car drove all the way, and soon arrived at the meeting place.

Si Zhanbei stopped the car, glanced at the small park in front of him, and walked in arm in arm with Sheng Fenghua.

The two entered the park and searched for the small lake in the park.When they arrived at the place, the two stopped, looking at the back of the person who was fishing under the willow tree, hesitated and dared not go forward.

Sheng Fenghua looked at the back, and couldn't connect with the national male god Si Zhanbei mentioned.Because the back looks very vicissitudes, even the back seems to be bent by something.

After gathering his composure, Si Zhanbei walked forward and sat down beside the fisherman.

"Uncle!" Si Zhanbei yelled, but the other party didn't answer or respond. Instead, he reached out and put something next to Si Zhanbei, and then stood up, ready to leave.

"Uncle!" Seeing the opponent's movements, Si Zhanbei shouted again.

The man still didn't answer, but packed his things and left.

Looking at the person who ignored him and strode forward, a look of unwillingness flashed in Si Zhanbei's eyes, and he got up and wanted to chase after him.

However, the other party seemed to know Si Zhanbei's actions, and suddenly said, "I'm not your uncle."

An unfamiliar voice came into Si Zhanbei's ears, making his pursuit falter and stop.

This is not my uncle's voice!

After such a stop, the fishing man quickly turned around and left.

When Si Zhanbei came back to his senses, the man had disappeared.

Si Zhanbei had no choice but to look away in frustration, and then looked down at the things the other party had left for him.

"Are you okay?" Sheng Fenghua stepped forward and looked at Si Zhanbei with concern.She couldn't figure out why Si Mufeng asked Si Zhanbei to meet, but didn't talk to him, and didn't even turn his face to look at him.

However, these are not her concerns right now, she is worried about Si Zhanbei.Because it was too far from the way they expected to meet, she was afraid that Si Zhanbei would not be able to accept it.

"I'm fine!" Si Zhanbei shook his head, unable to speak to Si Mufeng, he was naturally disappointed.But after thinking about it, he felt that Si Mufeng might have something to hide.

Otherwise, he wouldn't ask him to meet, but didn't talk to him, but left in such a hurry.

"Let's go back." Sheng Fenghua took Si Zhanbei's hand and walked towards the gate of the park.

After leaving the park and getting into the car, Si Zhanbei didn't leave in a hurry, but opened the thing Si Mufeng gave him earlier.

After reading those things, Si Zhanbei's previous loss was swept away, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"What did my uncle give you?" Sheng Fenghua was a little curious, and moved up to Si Zhanbei, looking at the things in his hand.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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