ace warm marriage

Chapter 558 Important Information

Chapter 558 Important Information
"Good thing!" Si Zhanbei smiled faintly, then put the thing in Sheng Fenghua's hand, and said, "Let's go find Yang Lei."

Sheng Fenghua took the things and took a look, his face also showed joy.

This is important information.

It seems that their task can be completed ahead of schedule.

The two went to the police station, found the captain of the criminal police, Yang Lei, and showed him what Si Mufeng had provided.

Yang Lei took the item, glanced at it, then looked at Si Zhanbei in shock, and asked, "It's better for you, you can get such confidential information."

Si Zhanbei smiled and didn't speak, but asked, "I don't know what Captain Yang has in mind?"

"Since there are such good conditions, this time I have to give the other party a pot of whatever I say."

"However, this Ye Fengchi is a fox, we still have to send someone to watch him." Si Zhanbei reminded that if Ye Fengchi ran away, their mission this time would be greatly compromised.

"Don't worry, my people are watching outside Mei's. However, according to Mei's employees, Ye Fengchi didn't go to work today, so I'm asking someone to check to see where he is."

Hearing this, Si Zhanbei frowned and thought for a while, then said: "That night, the place where we were plotted was within a radius of five miles. You can have someone check it out, maybe you will find something."

The reason why Si Zhanbei said this was because he was thinking that if it was him, he would definitely watch from the sidelines when he calculated the opponent, which would give him a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

"You have a good idea. I'll go arrange people right away." Yang Lei's eyes lit up, but he didn't think much about it before.Therefore, only people were sent to guard Ye Fengchi's villa and outside the Mei Group.Now, when Si Zhanbei mentioned it, he felt that the other party was probably still nearby.

Yang Lei went according to the platoon, and Si Zhanbei didn't stay too long. He drove away from the police station and went back to his place of residence.

When the car was on the road, Si Zhanbei answered a call. It was from the chief, asking him to contact an undercover agent named Xuesta.

For some reason, after hanging up the chief's phone call, Si Zhanbei couldn't help flashing the figure of his younger uncle Si Mufeng in his mind.

He was wondering if the person codenamed Bloodthorn could be his younger uncle Si Mufeng.

"What's the matter?" Sheng Fenghua watched Si Zhanbei hang up the phone, he was in a daze, and couldn't help asking: "What did the chief say?"

Hearing Sheng Fenghua's voice, Si Zhanbei came back to his senses, glanced at her, and said: "The chief said that we have an undercover agent, code-named Bloodthorn, and asked me to find a way to contact him. action will help."

"Blood thorn?" Sheng Fenghua was taken aback. She had heard the code name blood thorn in the dark night.I heard that this person acts both good and evil. Although he is a member of a terrorist organization, he often walks alone and often completes some difficult tasks alone.

However, it is said that this person is very ugly, so ugly that he cannot be seen by others.

"Yes!" Si Zhanbei nodded, this was the first time he had heard of the name Bloodthorn.In the past, they only fought against Blood Soul, but they were run away by each other several times.

"I've heard of this person before, but I didn't expect him to be from our side." Sheng Fenghua knew that Si Zhanbei didn't know much about blood thorns, so he told Si Zhanbei all the rumors he had heard before.

Before, Si Zhanbei suspected that the blood thorn was his uncle Si Mufeng, but after hearing Sheng Fenghua's description, he immediately dismissed this idea.

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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