ace warm marriage

Chapter 559 Hidden

Chapter 559 Hidden
His brother-in-law was an upright soldier, so he probably wasn't the one Sheng Fenghua said.

Regarding this result, Si Zhanbei was actually a little disappointed.However, this disappointment came and went quickly. Anyway, the fact that my uncle is still alive is the greatest comfort.

As long as people are alive, they will meet sooner or later.

Back home, Sheng Fenghua had nothing to do for a while, turned around and entered the space to make medicine.Si Zhanbei went to the study and began to write an action plan.

This time, the members of the Blood Shadow terrorist organization must be wiped out.Today, the chief also said on the phone that an alliance has been formed to deal with the terrorist organization International, and all countries will attack at the same time to eliminate the members of the Blood Shadow Organization in each country.

Therefore, his most important task now is to contact Bloodthorn as soon as possible within two days, and then take them down in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Si Zhanbei couldn't help but flashed the figure of Si Mufeng and the things he gave him before.

Although it is not a list, it is several strongholds of the Blood Shadow Organization in City B.

This made him connect Bloodthorn with Si Mufeng again.However, when he thought of Sheng Fenghua's words, he became suspicious again.

This question lingered in Si Zhanbei's mind for a while before it dissipated, and then he concentrated on planning this action.

After finalizing the action plan, Si Zhanbei saw that it was still early, so he decided to discuss it with Yang Lei again.After all, he has no soldiers or guns now, and everything still depends on the comrades in the police station.

After talking to Sheng Fenghua, Si Zhanbei went to the police station again.

Seeing that Si Zhanbei was a little excited, Yang Lei said, "Young Master Si, I was just looking for you."

"What's the matter?" Si Zhanbei looked at Yang Lei and asked calmly.

"Master Si, Ye Fengchi has escaped." Yang Lei's face became serious. The person he sent just now called and said they found Ye Fengchi's place, but they went to the empty building.

As for when he ran away, even the security guard at the door didn't know.They checked the nearby prison space, but found nothing.

Now, Ye Fengchi's running like this will definitely hinder their actions a lot.This was also the reason why he was anxious to find Si Zhanbei, to see if he could find Ye Fengchi and control him first.

"Run away?" Si Zhanbei's complexion was a bit ugly. Ye Fengchi actually ran away at this point.Where will he go then?
If he is still in city B, it's okay to say, but I'm afraid he has already left.In this way, things will not be easy to handle.

"What about the clubhouse? Did you send someone to investigate?" Si Zhanbei couldn't help asking, remembering that Ye Fengchi and Xue Hun had met in the clubhouse before.

"I checked, but there is no one." Yang Lei shook his head, his people not only went to the clubhouse, but also went to several other properties of Ye Fengchi, but found nothing.

"Didn't they have a mission recently? It's impossible for Ye Fengchi to run away. He probably hid somewhere." Si Zhanbei thought about it, analyzed it secretly, and said.

The blood soul came because of a mission.The task is not over yet, Ye Fengchi, as the person in charge of City B, shouldn't run away easily.

"Hidden." Yang Lei frowned. City B is so big and has such a large population. It's not easy to find someone who wants to hide.

"I'll think of a way to see if I can find him." Seeing Yang Lei's perplexed expression, Si Zhanbei suddenly thought of the blood thorn.

 Sixth, thank you for the reward of flying freely, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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