ace warm marriage

Chapter 576 Uncle Bloodthorn?

Chapter 576 Uncle Bloodthorn?
"Blood thorn?" Si Zhanbei called out with some uncertainty.In the previous two encounters, he hadn't seen Bloodthorn's face, only his back, so he wasn't sure.

Bloodthorn nodded, with a faint smile on his face.But because the scars on his face are so ugly, he doesn't look good when he smiles.

But it was this smile that made Si Zhanbei startled again, and shouted: "Uncle!"

At this time, Mei Ruolan, who had finished recording the statement, came out, saw the back of the blood thorn, her eyes became hot, she stepped forward and shouted: "Mu Feng!"

Blood thorn, that is, Si Mufeng heard Mei Ruolan's voice, turned his head and looked at her.

Mei Ruolan also happened to look at him, her eyes met, Mei Ruolan was shocked, pointed at Si Mufeng's face, and asked, "Mufeng, you?"

"It's nothing!" Si Mufeng waved his hands indifferently, seeing that he was the only one left outside, and didn't say much to Si Zhanbei and the others, he entered the police station wearing handcuffs.

Mei Ruolan watched, and stepped up to catch up.But after a few steps, she stopped again, then looked at Si Zhanbei and asked, "Xiaobei, is your uncle?"

"He's fine!" Si Zhanbei said lightly, and then entered the police station.

Sheng Fenghua didn't follow up, but looked at Mei Ruolan's complexion, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Mei Ruolan shook her head, she was still alive, and seeing Ye Fengchi being arrested, she had no regrets in her life.

"At that moment, you go back with me. I'll help you take a good look, your complexion looks very bad." Sheng Fenghua was still worried, Mei Ruolan's complexion really looked bad, she was very Worry.

I don't know if Ye Fengchi did something to her?Otherwise, her condition has been brought under control, and her complexion wouldn't be so bad.

"Okay!" Mei Ruolan did not refuse, since she was still alive, of course she had to live well and watch Ye Fengchi get the punishment he deserved.

Sheng Fenghua and Mei Ruolan were chatting outside while waiting for Si Zhanbei.

At this time, because the people in the police station did not know the identity of Blood Thorn, they locked him up with the others.It wasn't until Si Zhanbei told the director about the situation that he and Ye Fengchi were separated and detained.

Coincidentally, the two were locked up next door.

Originally, Ye Fengchi still had a little fantasy, thinking that even if he was caught, he would stab them with blood.They can continue his previous terrorist plan.

But when he saw the blood thorn walking in front of him with handcuffs, his hope was shattered, and his face became ugly.

He never thought that he would be arrested so easily.After ten years of operation, it was destroyed overnight.

And he didn't know exactly what went wrong.

Ye Fengchi thought over and over again, but he couldn't figure out what went wrong with him.Of course, except Mei Ruolan.

Thinking of Mei Ruolan, Ye Fengchi's eyes were filled with hatred immediately.It's all the fault of this bitch, if he knew earlier, he should have dealt with her earlier.

Fortunately, he was locked up now, but that bitch was fine.

Fortunately, that bitch won't live long.Thinking of this, Ye Fengchi felt better.

Besides, Ah Bin, who was arrested before, managed to snatch the police's mobile phone and made a call to Ye Fengchi, but no one answered, which made him very anxious.

He called several times in a row, but no one answered, so he had to change the number and call Brother Wen.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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