ace warm marriage

Chapter 577 Destroying Blood Shadow

Chapter 577 Destroying Blood Shadow

However, the result is still the same, still no one answered.For this reason, Ah Bin's heart sank, and he decided to run away.

So he threw away the policeman's mobile phone, climbed up the window of the toilet, and prepared to escape by jumping out of the window.

But when he looked down, he couldn't help but change his face.

Under the window, a policeman was looking at him with a smile.

"Want to run?"

Seeing Ah Bin looking towards him, the policeman spoke coldly.Fortunately, they had been prepared for a long time, knowing that A Bin was not a safe person, otherwise they might really be run away by him.

Ah Bin's face was so ugly that he couldn't escape, and he didn't want to escape. He climbed down from the window and obediently returned to the place where he was held.

The policeman he knocked out before also woke up, saw A Bin, punched him directly, and said, "Run, why don't you run away?"

Ah Bin did not speak, kept silent, praying secretly in his heart, hoping that Ye Fengchi and the others would be fine.Otherwise, the organization is finished.

It's just that his prayer was of no use. After a while, the police escorted a large group of people past him, destroying his last hope.

"Boss!" Seeing Ye Fengchi, Ah Bin shouted, his eyes full of self-blame.He was blaming himself. If he had called Ye Fengchi in time when he found out that there was something wrong with those plain clothes, instead of thinking about running away by himself, would the result have been different?
"A Bin?" Ye Fengchi was a little surprised when he saw A Bin. He thought that the police only arrested those people in the village, but he didn't expect that even A Bin was arrested.

This made him immediately understand that things were unusual, and he wondered if there were spies inside.

Otherwise, how could Ah Bin be arrested?You know, although he is his full-time doctor, he rarely participates in the organization's actions.

He didn't show up unless someone was injured, and he barely had contact with them.

"Boss, it's me!" A Bin looked at Ye Fengchi, wanting to say something to him.But at this time, the police officers who were escorting the prisoner urged: "Stop what you are doing, go!"

Ye Fengchi gave the policeman who spoke coldly, but did not speak.But he secretly swore in his heart that when he went out, he must make these policemen look good.

At this time, Ye Fengchi didn't know that when China launched its actions, other countries also acted at the same time.

The headquarters of Blood Shadow Country A was surrounded by the country's elite troops. At the cost of one shell and hundreds of casualties, the leader of Blood Shadow, Shadow, was successfully captured.

Shadow was arrested, and the Blood Shadow terrorist organization had come to an end. The other members died, were injured, and were caught.

However, for this moment, countless police officers sacrificed their lives and became unsung heroes.Ten years of sharpening a sword, when the sword is out of the sheath, it will be invincible.

This international operation, with close cooperation, successfully destroyed the blood shadow organizations in all countries.On the same day, all major newspapers reported the good news at the same time, and the people applauded this action.

Having successfully captured Ye Fengchi, Si Zhanbei's mission this time was successfully completed.And there are only two days left in the one-week holiday.

Seeing that he was about to return to City A and the army, Si Mufeng was still imprisoned with other Blood Shadow members.

For this reason, Si Zhanbei decided to call his superiors to see if he could be released first.Because the blood shadow was destroyed, no one could threaten his safety, and he could recover his identity.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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