Chapter 608
After eating and resting for an hour, she went to the company again.

She hasn't been there since she joined the army.Just taking advantage of the half-day vacation, I went to see it.

Although the company has Feng Rui and Dongfang Hao in charge, and her formula, nothing will happen.However, Sheng Fenghua felt that it was rare for him to be free, so he still had to go back and see those employees.

Sheng Fenghua was going to the company, and Si Zhanbei was looking for Ning Ruize for something good, so he didn't go with her.

When they arrived at the company, Dongfang Hao and Feng Rui were there, and they reported to her the company's recent performance.Sheng Fenghua looked at the rising data with a bright smile on his face.

If this development continues, she will soon be able to open a branch.Moreover, the matter of opening a hospital can also be put on the agenda.

So, after listening to their reports, Sheng Fenghua talked with them about opening the hospital.Feng Rui, who was born as a doctor, was naturally happy about opening a hospital.He took over the whole matter and promised Sheng Fenghua that he would sort out a feasible plan as soon as possible.

Time passed quickly, and after talking like this for a few days, an afternoon passed without knowing it.Sheng Fenghua invited the two of them to have dinner together, and also called Si Zhanbei.

After dinner, Dayong sent Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei back to the army.Because it was late, Dayong drove a little fast.

But when they walked halfway, they ran into a car accident. The small car collided with a large truck, and the small car rolled directly into the rice field beside it.

When they passed by, the police had not yet arrived, nor had the ambulance arrived.Looking at the small car that was still in the rice field, Si Zhanbei asked Dayong to stop the car, then got out of the car with Sheng Fenghua, and went to the small car in the field.

The trolley had already turned upside down, with the wheels facing up, and it was unknown what happened to the people inside.

When the couple got to the car, they first knocked on the window and then started smashing the glass.

The glass shattered, and the two realized that the person inside had been injured and fell into a coma.

There were three people in the car, two adults and one child.The adult's injury is more serious, but the child is fine, and has been protected by his mother.

Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei first got out the frightened child with dull eyes.

After taking out the child, Sheng Fenghua immediately gave him a full body examination, and after confirming that he was just overly frightened and not injured, he was relieved.

She carried the child ashore, while Si Zhanbei and Dayong stayed in the field to save the couple.

The driver of the big truck saw Sheng Fenghua and the others saving people, then got out of the car in shock, and went to help.

Si Zhanbei and the others spent a lot of effort to get the woman in the back seat out.

Dayong hugged the unconscious woman, and immediately ran to Sheng Fenghua, saying, "Sister-in-law, let's see how she is doing?"

"Put her on the ground, and I'll check her." Sheng Fenghua let go of the child's hand and went to check the woman.

However, as soon as she let go of her hand, the petrified child suddenly lay on the woman's body and burst into tears.While crying, he shouted loudly: "Mom, mom!"

"Good boy, please get up first, please let auntie check on mom first." Sheng Fenghua coaxed the child and pulled him up from the woman's body.

The child understood Sheng Fenghua's words, turned to look at her and said, "Auntie, you must save my mother. She was injured because she was protecting me. You must save her!"

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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