Chapter 609
"Don't worry, with Auntie here, mom will be fine, can you just wait here?" Sheng Fenghua coaxed the child while lowering his head to check on the woman's condition.

The woman was knocked unconscious on the head, her head was smashed and bleeding.There were also several scratches on the body.Sheng Fenghua took her pulse again to make sure that no internal organs were injured, so he got up and went to the car to take out gauze and bandage the woman to stop the bleeding.

When Sheng Fenghua was dealing with the woman, the child came in and stood beside him.Seeing that Sheng Fenghua had bandaged the woman, she still didn't wake up, her little face was full of worry, and she asked, "Auntie, will mom be all right?"

"Don't worry, it'll be fine." Sheng Fenghua patted the child's head, then looked at Si Zhanbei and the others who were still saving people in the field, with worried and anxious eyes.

The longer the delay, the more dangerous the injured person becomes.

It's just that she has a child and a comatose woman beside her, and she can't leave.Otherwise, she will go down to help.

"Zhan Bei, what's going on?" Sheng Fenghua asked Si Zhanbei in the field, wanting to know what was going on, and why he hadn't been rescued all this time?
"His foot is stuck, and the space in this car is small, so it's hard to handle." Si Zhanbei replied, then glanced at Dayong and the truck driver, and said, "I'll go over there and get that stuck." The steering wheel of the foot is turned away, and you guys are here to see if you can get the person out."

After finishing speaking, Si Zhanbei turned to the other side, smashed the window, and then poked his head into the car, reached out and turned the steering wheel to one side.

Seeing Si Zhanbei make a move, Dayong also reached in and moved the man aside.After a while, all the man's feet were removed, and then the man was taken out of the car.

The man suffered more serious injuries than the woman, Dayong carried him to Sheng Fenghua, and said, "Sister-in-law, this situation is not very good."

"It's okay, I'll take a look first!" Sheng Fenghua lowered his head to check the man's condition, and the child burst into tears again.Today is a day he will never forget. He not only experienced the car accident, but also saw his parents lying in a pool of blood.

Dayong watched the child cry, and he didn't care about the blood on his body, so he hugged him and coaxed him directly.

Sheng Fenghua had just checked the man's injuries when the traffic police and an ambulance arrived at the same time.The two traffic policemen got out of the car, saw the two people lying on the ground, and immediately asked, "Are the two still alive?"


Sheng Fenghua replied, and the traffic police immediately said to the doctor and nurse who got off the ambulance: "Hurry up and save people!"

The doctor and the nurse came forward with the single stand, saw the gauze wrapped on the woman's head, turned to look at Sheng Fenghua who was bandaging the man, and said, "Are you a doctor?"

Sheng Fenghua nodded, speeding up his hands.After the wound was bandaged, he stood up and said to the doctor and nurse who got out of the ambulance, "This man's condition is a bit serious. You'd better give him a full body checkup."

After finishing speaking, she stepped aside and asked the doctors and nurses to lift the patient onto the stand and onto the ambulance.

The child watched his parents send him away and cried again.

No matter how much he tried to coax Dayong, he couldn't coax him well, so he handed the child over to the police and said, "This child belongs to the two wounded, so I will leave it to you."

Since Si Zhanbei and the others had to rush to the army, they recorded a statement with the police and drove away.

When they returned to the army, it was past the time to turn off the lights, and both of them were late at the same time.

 Six more.

(End of this chapter)

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