ace warm marriage

Chapter 689 It's Not Too Late

Chapter 689 It's Not Too Late
The method she mentioned just now is the simplest and most effective method, but I don't know what Feng Mian will think.

After hearing this, Feng Mian finally recovered from her shyness and discomfort, and said, "I have no objection!"

Feng Mian didn't say the last half sentence.How much he wanted to make the fake come true.Unfortunately, this will never be possible, Sheng Fenghua already has someone who can shield her from the wind and rain.

Thinking of Si Zhanbei, Feng Mian's originally bright eyes dimmed, and said, "Feng Hua, should you ask your husband first, lest he misunderstand."

"I'll explain it to him."

"That's good."

"Since you agree, let's make a decision like this. Without further ado, the time is set for the night after tomorrow. What do you think?"

"Okay, then, I'll pick you up."

"it is good!"

The two agreed on a time, checked the details of the action, and then separated.Fengmian asked Sheng Fenghua to go first, and he kept watching her until he couldn't see her, then he looked away, and then said in a low voice: "Fenghua, the night after tomorrow will be my happiest time. "

After Sheng Fenghua left the teahouse, he didn't go back immediately, but went to find one of her subordinates and handed over the task to them.After all, Feng Mian's manpower is limited, and it is impossible for her to go alone.

With someone of your own, you will feel more secure and more secure.

After explaining the task, Sheng Fenghua didn't stay too long, and went directly back to the castle.

The people in the castle were relieved to see Sheng Fenghua come back safely, and immediately reported to Mrs. Dai Lisi.When Mrs. Dai Lisi heard that Sheng Fenghua was back, she planned to have a good chat with her.

She didn't want anything to happen to Sheng Fenghua. After all, Sheng Fenghua was not only her doctor, but also a Chinese soldier.In case something happened to her, she couldn't explain it to Huaxia.

When Sheng Fenghua heard that Mrs. Dai Lisi was looking for him, he went directly without delay.

When they arrived at the place where Mrs. Dai Lisi lived, Sheng Fenghua asked straight to the point: "Madam, are you looking for me? I don't know what's the matter?"

Hearing that Sheng Fenghua's tone was much more alienated than usual, Mrs. Dai Lisi felt a little uncomfortable, but she didn't say much, she just motioned her to sit down and talk.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Mrs. Dai Lisi and sat down.

"Miss Sheng, I heard you went out alone today?"

"Yes." Sheng Fenghua nodded, she already knew that this matter could not be kept from Mrs. Dai Lisi.After all, she is just a guest living here, and she is also a soldier of Huaxia, so her every word and deed may be monitored.

"Miss Sheng, maybe I don't speak very well. But I still think it's best for you not to go out often during this time, it's not safe outside." Mrs. Dai Lisi glanced at Sheng Fenghua and said.She also knew that An Ye was not someone to be messed with.

Now, since Sheng Fenghua has messed with them, it is not easy to get out.And the only thing she can do is to persuade Sheng Fenghua not to leave the castle.

In any case, it would be safer in the castle.

"I understand, I will pay attention." Sheng Fenghua knew that Mrs. Dai Lisi was doing it for his own good, so he didn't say much.She didn't stay too long, and left directly after Mrs. Dai Lisi finished speaking.

Back in his room, Sheng Fenghua couldn't wait to turn on the computer and log in to the hacker website.

K has already sent all the information she asked for, which is top-secret information belonging to the Dark Night Organization.Not only some financial statements of Jinglin Pharmaceutical, but also transaction records between An Ye and various parties.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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