Chapter 690

In this record, Sheng Fenghua discovered an astonishing secret.

This secret also made her fully understand why the upper echelons of Country M allowed the headquarters of the Dark Night Organization to be located here.

Sheng Fenghua encrypted this information, and then closed the page.After that, she logged into another mailbox to deal with the emails from Dongfang Hao and Feng Rui.

It was already two hours later when everything was dealt with.It happened that Shana came to ask her to go to dinner, so she turned off the computer and went to lunch.

After lunch, Sheng Fenghua took a lunch break for an hour, then found the training place of the security guards, and stretched his hands and feet.

Since coming here, she has been busy and hasn't trained much.Sheng Fenghua was worried that when he went back, he would not be able to keep up.

Regarding Sheng Fenghua's coming to train, Baoquan had no one to stop her.They all knew that Sheng Fenghua was Mrs. Dai Lisi's full-time doctor.

However, when they saw her skill, they were all surprised.Some people even wanted to exchange ideas with her, so they found her on purpose and said, "Miss Sheng, you have good skills, are you interested in having a discussion with us?"

After hearing what the other party said, Sheng Fenghua agreed without thinking about it.Rather than practicing alone, it is better to play against others.

Moreover, her previous anger has not dissipated, so she just uses these people to vent her anger.

Gu Quan, who wanted to learn from Sheng Fenghua, was very happy after hearing her words.Immediately walked to the center of the field and opened his posture, waiting for Sheng Fenghua.

Seeing the other party like this, Sheng Fenghua smiled, took off his coat, and immediately started to fight.

The other security guards who were training, saw that Sheng Fenghua was fighting with their companions, and immediately became interested, stopped their training, and surrounded them.

At first, the security guard thought that Sheng Fenghua was a woman, and wanted to let her go.But when she made a move, the other party immediately knew that she was wrong, immediately changed her attitude, and then used her housekeeping skills to fight Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua doesn't care if the opponent gives in or not, anyway, she is ruthless when she strikes.So, within a few hits, she knocked him down.

Looking at his companion, he was easily overwhelmed by Sheng Fenghua.The other security guards were stunned, and all of them stared at Sheng Fenghua with wide-eyed eyes.

They never thought that Sheng Fenghua, who looked petite, would have such great energy and explosive power.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at them lightly, picked up the clothes on the ground beside him, and prepared to leave.After venting a bit, she felt much better.

However, before she had walked a few steps, someone spoke up and said, "Miss Sheng, please wait a moment!"

"Is there anything else?" Sheng Fenghua glanced at the other party and asked in a cold voice.

"Miss Sheng, I also want to discuss with you, what do you think?"

As soon as this person opened his mouth, other people followed suit, saying: "Miss Sheng, your skills are very powerful, we would like to ask you for advice."

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the other party indifferently, and then at the other people who were talking, without saying anything, he just threw down the clothes again.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua's actions, the security guards knew that she agreed, so they also took off their coats and walked to the middle of the field.

"Miss Sheng, please!" Bao Quan also politely made a gesture of invitation to Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the other party, and immediately punched him.You come and go, punching and kicking, the two of them fought for about 10 minutes, Sheng Fenghua fell over his shoulder and threw the opponent to the ground.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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