ace warm marriage

Chapter 691 Come Back Tomorrow

Chapter 691 Come Back Tomorrow
The security guards saw Sheng Fenghua leaving them alone again, and their mood became a little more subtle, and then they didn't even say hello, and went straight up.

Sheng Fenghua looked at the man who started to fight as soon as he came up, and without saying a word, he immediately started fighting.

In 5 minutes, Sheng Fenghua had finished the opponent.

One was done, and another came up.Sheng Fenghua didn't even take a breath, he fell ten people in a row, and then stopped, saying: "Let's stop here today. If you still want to compete with me, I'll come back tomorrow."

The security guards didn't stop Sheng Fenghua anymore because they knew she was tired too.Second, if they continue to fight, the entire army will be wiped out.

When Sheng Fenghua left, the security guards got together and discussed.

"This Miss Sheng is really hiding something."

"Yeah, who would have thought that she would have such a good skill."

"Today, we were ashamed and ashamed. All twelve of us were brought down by her."

"It seems that we have to strengthen our training. Otherwise, it would be too shameful to say it."

"Do you think Miss Sheng looks like a soldier?"

"She was originally a soldier, and I heard that she was a military doctor."

"No wonder, it looks like it has been specially trained."

"I think I can learn a lot from competing with Ms. Sheng."

"Me too."

"I'm going to think about it carefully, and ask her for advice tomorrow."

"I am coming too!"

No one thought that Sheng Fenghua just went to train for a while, but the guards in the castle improved their skills a lot from then on.

Sheng Fenghua left the security training field, returned to his place of residence, took a shower, and went directly to bed to rest.

She was also very tired after challenging twelve men in a row.However, after being tired, I feel that the whole person has relaxed a lot.Moreover, she also learned a lot from fighting against the security guards.

Although the skills of his guards are not the best, there are still some things worth learning.

After sleeping, Sheng Fenghua felt comfortable all over, and a smile appeared on his face again.Seeing the faint smile on Sheng Fenghua's face, Shana felt relieved.

It had been a long time since she saw Sheng Fenghua smile.Not to mention, when Sheng Fenghua wasn't smiling, she was still a little scared.

Because of an appointment with the security guards, Sheng Fenghua went to the training ground as usual the next afternoon.As soon as she arrived at the training ground, she found that there were more people today than yesterday.

Seeing that there were twice as many security guards as yesterday, Sheng Fenghua raised his brows, but he didn't care.

Without squinting, she went directly into the field, and then started to move her hands and feet.At this time, a security guard who had fought against her yesterday walked up to her and greeted her.

"Miss Sheng, you are here, we will wait for you for a while."

Sheng Fenghua raised his eyebrows, glanced at the other party, and said, "Why, do you still want to compete with me again today?"

"No, no, it's not me, it's them!" Bao Quan waved his hand, pointing to a group of people not far away.Just kidding, he was thrown by Sheng Fenghua yesterday, and his body still hurts, so how dare he fight Sheng Fenghua again.

Even if you want to learn from each other, you have to wait until the pain in his body is gone.Anyway, Sheng Fenghua won't leave for a while, so he is not in a hurry.

"They?" Sheng Fenghua looked in the direction of Baoquan's finger.

Good guy, today there are twice as many people as yesterday.There were twelve people who fought against her yesterday, but today there are almost thirty people.

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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