ace warm marriage

Chapter 699 Everything is ready

Chapter 699 Everything is ready
Mrs. Dai Lisi wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Sheng Fenghua, and said: "Madam, don't worry, I promise to come back safely."

Sheng Fenghua has already said so, and Mrs. Dai Lisi can't say anything more.Sheng Fenghua still hasn't forgiven the kidnapping that day, and she doesn't know how to explain it to Sheng Fenghua.

Back at the place where she lived, Sheng Fenghua took the things she wanted to bring, and asked the housekeeper to send a car to take her to the city center, and got off the car.

Sheng Fenghua got out of the car, entered a community, and then drove a car out of it, and went to the place she had agreed with Fengmian.

When he arrived at the place, Feng Mian was already waiting there.Sheng Fenghua entered the room and put on simple makeup on herself, covering her original face.In this way, even people who know her will not be able to recognize her when they see this face with makeup.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua's unfamiliar face, Fengmian laughed and said, "That's right, the technology hasn't regressed."

"This is a life-saving skill, how can you regress?" Sheng Fenghua replied, and then laughed.

"How are you getting ready?" Sheng Fenghua asked after the two sat down on the sofa in the living room.

"Everything is ready, I only owe you the wind." Feng Mian sat down opposite her and poured her a glass of water.

"It's still early, let's go out for a stroll first, and change into a dress by the way." Sheng Fenghua finished drinking a glass of water and stood up.

She came out early today, and there was still enough time for her to dress up well and amaze the audience.

"Okay!" Feng Mian agreed with a smile, and being able to go shopping with Sheng Fenghua was a dream for him.

So, the two left the community and went to a place that sells gifts.There are actually dresses in the castle, but Sheng Fenghua doesn't want to wear those dresses, one is because she is afraid that someone will find her through those dresses, and the other is because those gifts are not suitable for hiding things on her body.

Today, this party is not just a simple introduction by Feng Mian to everyone as her fake girlfriend, it is also a big gift from her to An Ye.

She wants to play a big ticket, and she wants to change the dark night to another day and reshuffle the cards tonight.

When she arrived at the place, Sheng Fenghua went into a dress shop that she used to come to frequently, chose a conservative evening dress, and then went into the fitting room to try it on.

When she changed into her gown and came out, it was not only Feng Mian's gaze that surprised her, but also the staff in the store.

"Miss, this gift is very suitable for you. It looks perfect, as if it was tailor-made for you." The staff in the dress shop praised sincerely, very happy.It was the first time for her to look at the people who wore the dresses in their shop so perfectly.

"It's beautiful!" Fengmian walked up to Sheng Fenghua, sincerely praising her.Although Sheng Fenghua didn't use her original face at this time, nor was it as good-looking as her original face, but after wearing this dress, her whole temperament was instantly improved several levels.

Sheng Fenghua was wearing a dress, turned a few times in front of the full-length mirror, looked at himself in the mirror, and nodded with satisfaction.This effect is what we want.

This strange face, paired with this suit, brought out her completely different temperament from before, and even familiar people could not recognize her.

"I want this one." Sheng Fenghua turned his head and said to the waiter, then opened the wallet in his hand, ready to pay.

No, Feng Mian was a step ahead, handed the card to the other party directly, and said, "Pay the bill!"

 One more, thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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