Chapter 700
"Fengmian!" Sheng Fenghua watched, and couldn't help calling out to Fengmian, they were pretending to be a couple, how could they let him pay the bill?

However, Fengmian seemed to know what Sheng Fenghua was going to say, and reminded her: "Fenghua, don't forget, you are my girlfriend now. Paying for your girlfriend is a matter of course."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua didn't say anything more, and let Fengmian pay the bill.Sheng Fenghua changed his clothes, went to have a meal with Feng Mian, rested for another two hours, and then went back to Feng Mian's apartment before, changed into the dress, and brought all the things he needed to bring, Only then did he head towards the headquarters of the dark night.

In the headquarters of the dark night, there is a small auditorium, which is very suitable for holding some banquets.

The banquet this time was held in the small auditorium.This is the territory of the dark night, there are advantages and disadvantages for what Fengmian and Sheng Fenghua are going to do.

The advantage is that because it is in the headquarters of the dark night, those veterans and even the leaders of the dark night will not doubt it, and they will come here with confidence.

The disadvantage is that this is the territory of the dark night, for Fengmian and Sheng Fenghua, they may be hindered in their actions.For example, Sheng Fenghua's own people were not easy to bring in.

Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua knew that there was a tunnel in the headquarters of An Ye, which led directly to the outside.And she used that tunnel to bring people in.

After the two changed their clothes, they headed towards the headquarters of the dark night.Along the way, both Sheng Fenghua and Fengmian were a little nervous.This time, if they don't succeed, what awaits them is likely to be death.

For this reason, both of them were not very calm.To Sheng Fenghua, death was not scary.After all, she had already died once, but she couldn't bear Si Zhanbei, and she didn't want to die so easily.

So, this time, it must be successful.

Sheng Fenghua thought secretly, turned to look at Fengmian beside him, and said, "Don't worry, we will succeed."

"I'm not worried!" Feng Mian smiled, saying that he was not worried, but his stiff expression betrayed him.

Seeing him like this, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help but stretched out his hand, gently held his hand, and said, "Feng Mian, trust me!"

Feeling the warmth in his hand, Feng Mian turned to look at Sheng Fenghua, looked at her pair of crystal clear eyes, and nodded slowly.

I don't know if Sheng Fenghua's words had an effect, or if her hand gave him strength, Fengmian's mood calmed down, and the tension gradually disappeared.

The two came to the headquarters of the dark night and directly entered the small auditorium.When the two went in hand in hand, the originally lively auditorium suddenly became quiet, and both eyes fell on Sheng Fenghua and Fengmian.

Sensing everyone's gaze, Sheng Fenghua pretended to be shy and scared, and hid behind Fengmian.

Seeing her like this, those gazes gradually retracted, and then she joked to Feng Mian with a smile: "Feng Mian, where did you find this girl, she looks quite shy."

"It's more than shy. This Fengmian doesn't know how many lifetimes of blessings he has cultivated to find such a beautiful girl."

"Feng Mian, what's your girlfriend's name, don't let her hide. We don't eat people."

"Yeah, Feng Mian, let your girlfriend show her face, let us all take a good look. What kind of girl is able to accept your heart."

"That's right!"

Amidst everyone's booing, Fengmian turned his head and whispered something to Sheng Fenghua.After finishing speaking, he slowly moved his body away, took her hand, and was completely exposed in front of everyone.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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