ace warm marriage

Chapter 704 The leader is at large

Chapter 704 The leader is at large

At least, today's goal has been achieved.Except for those who ran away with the leader, the elders of the dark night had already been dealt with by them.

The following dark night will be decided by them.

"Fenghua, I'm sorry!" After hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, Fengmian still felt guilty.

"Feng Mian, don't put too much pressure on yourself, as long as we are all well, sooner or later we will be able to take revenge."

Feng Mian took a deep look at Sheng Fenghua, and seeing that she really didn't blame herself, she felt relieved and said, "You are right, we will have revenge sooner or later."

"Let's go, there is still a mess waiting for us to clean up." Sheng Fenghua patted Fengmian on the shoulder and left the tunnel first.

When the two returned to the auditorium again, the battle was over.Except for Feng Mian's subordinates, his cronies, and Sheng Fenghua's people, everyone in An Ye is dead.

Fengmian asked everyone to clean the battlefield, then took Sheng Fenghua to the leader's office, logged into the computer, and called up some confidential information.

After reading the information, the two immediately modified the security system of the Dark Night Headquarters.Fortunately, Fengmian is an expert in this area, and soon replaced the dark night headquarters with a new security system.

After replacing the security system, Feng Mian breathed a sigh of relief.In the future, even if the leader and the others come back again, they won't be able to hide from anyone.

After Fengmian changed the security system, the two checked some confidential information and wrote down everything they needed before leaving.

The small auditorium was quickly cleaned up, and Fengmian gathered everyone together.

"From today onwards, I, Feng Mian, will be the leader of this dark night organization. From now on, everyone follow me well, and I will not treat you badly."

The rest of these people were originally Fengmian people, or people who were close to Fengmian, so no one objected to his superior position.

Regarding the change of leader of the Dark Night Organization, Feng Mian immediately sent a notice to Dao Shang.

At this time, the leader who escaped from the headquarters in the dark night also saw the notice sent by Fengmian, and was so angry that he died.He smashed the things in the place where he lived, but he was still not relieved.

He never thought that Feng Mian would be betrayed by him.

Damn Fengmian actually wanted to replace him, but there was no way.

Thinking about it, the leader of Anye immediately took out his phone and called Ji Jinglin.Before, he watched Ji Jinglin leave first, thinking that he had gone back to the pharmaceutical factory.

And the pharmaceutical factory happened to be An Ye's training base, and there were quite a few people there.He wanted Ji Jinglin to bring those people here, and then caught Fengmian by surprise.

The phone rang, but no one answered, and the leader's face became ugly.

"Boss, what's the matter?" The two dark night veterans who escaped with the leader, Feng Yang and Feng Hai, looked at the ugly leader together and asked with concern.

"No one answered the phone."

"No one answered? Did something happen to Ji Jinglin?" Feng Yang looked at the leader, then at Feng Hai, and said.

"Nine times out of ten, otherwise he wouldn't not answer the phone." The leader put the phone away while talking.

"Leader, what should we do now?" Feng Hai looked at the leader and asked.There are only three of them now, and it is definitely impossible to kill them back to the Dark Night Headquarters.

"How about we go directly to the base and gather the people there?" Feng Yang suggested.

"It's not right, Feng Mian may have set up a net there, just waiting for us to throw ourselves into the net." Feng Hai disagreed, if they could think of going to the base, Feng Mian would definitely think of it too.

 The sixth watch is over!Wenwen is free for a limited time in the SVIP section of Mobile QQ, everyone can go and have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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