ace warm marriage

Chapter 705 No More

Chapter 705 No More
This time, he probably has been waiting for them to go.

However, they were wrong. The person who was really waiting at the base was not Fengmian, but Sheng Fenghua.

While Fengmian was dealing with the aftermath, Sheng Fenghua rushed to the base with his own people.There are also many Fengmian people in the base. When the dark night headquarters is operating, the base is also cleaning.

Therefore, when Sheng Fenghua brought people over, the rest were Fengmian's people.For this reason, she organized everyone and prepared to wait for the leader to come.

"Then what should we do? Do we just let it go?" Feng Yang's face was full of unwillingness.Is it possible to give up the dark night so easily?
"If you keep the green hills, you're not afraid of running out of firewood." Feng Hai said, then looked at the leader, and said, "Leader, it's not too late, we'd better leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, when Fengmian is free, we will definitely A reward order will be issued, and it will be difficult for us to leave when the time comes."

After hearing Feng Hai's words, the leader pondered.As Feng Yang said, he is not reconciled, he is not reconciled, he is not reconciled to just give up the dark night that he has developed by himself to others, and he is not reconciled to just leave like this.

But Feng Hai is right, if they don't leave now, they may not be able to leave when Feng Mian is free.

After thinking about it, the leader decided to hold back his breath and come to clean up Fengmian when he makes a comeback.

"let's go!"

"Leader?" Feng Yang suddenly raised his head, looking at the leader, a little surprised.He didn't expect that the leader chose to hold back his breath.

"Feng Yang, stop talking." Feng Hai glanced at Feng Yang.After all these years of working together, how could he not know what he was thinking.

But now, they want no one, no guns, and if they go back, they will undoubtedly seek their own death.Therefore, they might as well hold back for the time being, wait until someone has a gun, and then kill them back.

Feng Yang closed his mouth and stopped talking.

So, the group of three immediately bought the nearest flight ticket and left country M.Sheng Fenghua couldn't help feeling disappointed when he waited in the base for most of the night and couldn't find anyone.

She knew that the leader and the others would not come, and they had probably left Country M.

However, she didn't leave right away, but stayed until dawn, until Fengmian called to inquire, and then she left the base and returned to the headquarters.

Looking at Sheng Fenghua's exhaustion, Fengmian knew that she, like him, had not rested all night, and felt distressed, and said, "Fenghua, after dinner, you should go to sleep first."

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Fengmian, nodded, and said, "Okay!"

So, after dinner, Sheng Fenghua went to rest first, while Fengmian was still busy with the rest.When Sheng Fenghua woke up after a nap, when he saw Feng Mian sitting by the bed, he was slightly taken aback, and said, "Are you done with your work? Why didn't you go to rest?"

"I was planning to go to rest, so I came to see you." Feng Mian smiled, then stretched out his hand to help Sheng Fenghua pull the quilt, and said: "Go on and sleep, I will also go to sleep for a while."

After speaking, he stood up and went back to his room to rest.

Just now, in fact, he has been sitting there for a long time. If possible, he would rather not sleep and just keep looking at Sheng Fenghua.

He knew that such an opportunity would never come again in the future.

Therefore, he cherishes the time with Sheng Fenghua very much, and he even hopes that time can stop.

Looking at Fengmian's leaving back, Sheng Fenghua's eyes flickered.In fact, she already knew that Feng Mian was coming, but she just pretended to be asleep and didn't open her eyes.

 One more, thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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