Chapter 725
"What, you're not sick?" Mrs. Ander was also taken aback. Before Bill said that he was sick, but he refused to go to see a doctor, and even said that he needed to see a Chinese doctor in Huaxia.

For this reason, they invited Sheng Fenghua over through Engua, but they didn't want Engua to say that Bill was not sick.How can this be?

She'd tried it before, and Bill was running a fever and his head was burning all the time.

"Yes, I'm not sick." Engela nodded.

"Then he is now?" Mrs. Ander glanced at her son, and quickly noticed his strangeness, so she pointed to his hand that was removed by Sheng Fenghua, and said, "What's going on?"

"Mrs. Ander, don't get excited. Let me tell you slowly." Engua comforted Mrs. Ander, and then told her what happened before.

After hearing what Engua said, Mrs. Ander didn't realize it for a long time, and asked after a long time: "Doctor Engua, is what you said true?"

"It's true."

"how could be?"

Mrs. Ander still couldn't believe it, then she walked up to Bill, slowly squatted down, looked at him at the same level, and asked, "Bill, tell me, is what Engela said true?"

Bill looked up at his mother, a little ashamed, and nodded.

"Bill, you let me down so much. How could you do such a thing? Have you forgotten your identity? Or, do you want to provoke a war between the two countries?" Mrs. Ander looked heartbroken. Looking at Bill, he never thought that he would do such a thing.

To be honest, Mrs. Ander couldn't accept that her son would do such a thing.

"Mother, I'm sorry!" Bill looked at the disappointment in Mrs. Ander's eyes, feeling more and more guilty.He didn't think that much before, he just remembered Wen Jianing said that if he could help her get rid of Sheng Fenghua, then the two of them could be together.

He had been chasing Wen Jianing for so many years, but she finally let go and promised him to be together, how could he not be happy.

For this joy, he had to agree to Wen Jianing, and promised to help her get rid of Sheng Fenghua.

But Sheng Fenghua told him that Wen Jianing was just using him, how could he accept it for a while?
After he calmed down slowly, he thought about Sheng Fenghua's words again, only to realize that she was really right, Miss Wen was really just using him.

This cognition made him heartache and sad.He loves her so much, likes her so much, and even almost did something irreversible for her, but why would she use him?

Obviously, what she loves is someone else, why should she tell him that she loves him?

"Bill, you didn't feel sorry for me. You were sorry for yourself and Miss Sheng." Mrs. Ander was not an unreasonable person. After learning that her son had made a mistake, even if it was Sheng Fenghua who hurt him She didn't blame Sheng Fenghua for removing one of his arms.

Not only that, but she also blamed herself for feeling unhappy when Sheng Fenghua left straight away.If it was her instead, they probably wouldn't even bother with her when they encountered such a thing.

"Mother, I know I was wrong. Don't worry, I will apologize to Miss Sheng." Bill looked up at Mrs. Ander and said sincerely.

After hearing this, Engua was slightly relieved, thinking to himself: At least this Bill didn't disappoint him too much.However, it might be difficult for him to get Miss Sheng's forgiveness.

Because, he knew that Sheng Fenghua was a person who couldn't tolerate sand in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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