Chapter 726
The last time she was kidnapped, there was still a gap between her and the housekeeper and Mrs. Dai Lisi until now.

But in any case, it is a gratifying thing that Bill can take the initiative to apologize.So, he couldn't help reminding: "Bill, Miss Sheng may not forgive you, you'd better be prepared."

"I understand!" It was not that he hadn't heard what Engua and Sheng Fenghua had said before.Therefore, I have already mentally prepared.Moreover, he knew that he might have hurt his parents this time, so he still blamed himself.

"Since you're ready, I won't say anything more. I'll help you put your hands back now, so as not to affect your actions."

After Engua finished speaking, he stepped forward to help Bill take his hand back.

He moved quickly, but Bill still nearly lost his eyes in pain.Mrs. Ander on the side was also very distressed, wishing to take it on Bill's behalf.

Fortunately, the pain was only for a moment, and it will heal soon, and Mrs. Ander was relieved.

After Sheng Fenghua got out of the villa, he realized that he didn't drive here, so he still had to wait for Engua.But she didn't want to wait, so she made a phone call and asked someone to pick her up.

So, she didn't wait outside for a long time, and her subordinates came.So, Sheng Fenghua got in the car and left directly.

She went straight back to the castle by car, told what Bill had done, and handed the physical evidence to Mrs. Dai Lisi before going back to her room to rest.

After hearing what Sheng Fenghua said, Mrs. Dai Lisi didn't believe it, so she called Engua to ask what happened.

When she learned from Engela that Bill had indeed done such a thing, she was in a bad mood.She had a headache. One was a full-time doctor whom she had hired all the way, and the other was the son of a cabinet minister. She really didn't know how to deal with it.

However, Sheng Fenghua's previous attitude was very clear, that is, she had to give her an explanation, so that Bill would be punished.

So, after thinking about it, Mrs. Dai Lisi decided to leave this matter to the president.

When the president learned about this, he immediately found Bill's father and ordered him to bring his son to Sheng Fenghua's door to make an apology.

So, two hours later, Bill's family of three appeared in the castle, sincerely apologized to Sheng Fenghua, and offered compensation.

Although Sheng Fenghua couldn't forgive Bill, but he also knew that he would accept it as soon as it was good, and he didn't make things difficult for them. He only made one request, that is, Bill can't show up wherever she is in the future.

For this request, Bill's father readily agreed, and repeatedly promised that he would be optimistic about Bill and would never let him do such a thing again.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua forgave them, the Bill's family didn't stay long, and went home soon, thinking that the matter had just been exposed.

Unexpectedly, Bill disappeared the next day, and he was not found until two days later, and he was beaten all over his body. If he hadn't said it was Bill, even Mrs. Ander would not have recognized him.

I don't know who it was who beat Bill so hard that he didn't even know his parents.

Seeing Bill like this, Mrs. Ander thought it was Sheng Fenghua's hand at first.After all, Sheng Fenghua is a soldier, and his skills are on display there.

But Mrs. Dai Lisi testified for Sheng Fenghua, proving that she had never been out of the castle in the past few days, so this matter can only be let go.

In fact, even Sheng Fenghua himself didn't know who beat up Bill.Although, she actually wanted to do this, but she hadn't acted yet.

(End of this chapter)

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