Chapter 727
She didn't know who did it until a long time later, and she was filled with emotion.

Since the Bill incident happened, Sheng Fenghua didn't like to go out even more.He stayed in the castle every day, devoted himself to treating Mrs. Dai Lisi's illness.

With her efforts, Mrs. Dai Lisi's disease was gradually eliminated, and her health was getting better and better, and she almost didn't get sick.

Until the last acupuncture was completed, Sheng Fenghua happily said to Mrs. Dai Lisi: "Madam, the root cause of your disease has been eliminated. Next, as long as you take the medicine on time for half a year, your disease will never recur."

"Really? That's great!" Mrs. Dai Lisi became happy, holding Sheng Fenghua's hand, and said with a grateful expression: "Miss Sheng, thank you!"

"Madam, you're welcome!" Sheng Fenghua waved his hands with a smile, and then said: "Madam's illness is cured, and my task is considered complete. So, I plan to return to China in a few days."

"Miss Sheng is leaving?" Mrs. Dai Lisi was taken aback, looking at Sheng Fenghua with a look of reluctance.Sheng Fenghua's medical skills are so good, she really couldn't bear her to leave, she wanted to keep Sheng Fenghua.

"Yes, I'm going back!" Sheng Fenghua nodded with a smile. For the past two months, she has been looking forward to this day and the reunion with Si Zhanbei.

"Will Miss Sheng not consider my previous proposal?" Mrs. Dai Lisi asked, she had mentioned before that Sheng Fenghua should stay.

"Madam's kindness, Fenghua is very grateful. However, I may have to live up to Madam's kindness. My family and my husband are still waiting for me in Huaxia, so I have to go back.

"It seems that I can't keep you anymore." Mrs. Dai Lisi felt a little regretful, but she didn't force her to stay.She knew that no one could change what Sheng Fenghua had decided.

So, three days later, Sheng Fenghua left Country M by plane.Before leaving, she met Feng Mian and said goodbye to him.

To be honest, Fengmian was very reluctant to let Sheng Fenghua leave.Although, during the two months she was in country M, they didn't have many opportunities to meet, and in total, it was only three times.But Fengmian felt extremely satisfied, because Sheng Fenghua lived in the same city as him.

But now, Sheng Fenghua was leaving, and he didn't know when they would meet again, so he was very, very reluctant.

It's just that he also knows that he can't keep Sheng Fenghua, he can only let her go.However, when she left, he quietly went to the airport to see her off secretly.

Of course, he didn't tell her this, but watched her silently until she got on the plane.

Sheng Fenghua sat on the plane, thinking that he would see Si Zhanbei soon, he was very happy.

In order to surprise Si Zhanbei, Sheng Fenghua did not call to tell him the news.Therefore, at this time, Si Zhanbei had no idea that his little wife was already on the plane back.

After more than ten hours of flying, Sheng Fenghua finally returned to City B.No one but the first lady and leaders knew she would be back today.

For this reason, when she came out of the airport, there was no one to pick her up.Sheng Fenghua didn't care about this, and directly took a taxi back to Si Zhanbei's apartment, took a shower, changed his clothes, and then couldn't wait to find Si Zhanbei.

When he arrived at the military academy, Sheng Fenghua didn't call Si Zhanbei, but asked the guard to inform him.

As soon as Si Zhanbei received a call from the guard, saying that there was a woman looking for him in the guard's room, Si Zhanbei thought it was Wen Jianing, so he ignored it and didn't go out.

(End of this chapter)

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