Chapter 728
Sheng Fenghua didn't know about this at all, so he kept waiting at the door.The wait lasted for several hours, and seeing that it was getting dark, Si Zhanbei hadn't come out yet, and he was in a bad mood.

She asked the guard to make another call and asked to speak to Si Zhanbei in person.

No, the doorman called and just said something, someone was waiting for him at the door.Si Zhanbei replied directly: "Tell her, I'm not free!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly, but he didn't know that his words fell into Sheng Fenghua's ears verbatim.

Hearing this, Sheng Fenghua trembled with anger, and the tears in his eyes flowed down uncontrollably.She didn't call again, let alone wait for Si Zhanbei, but ran away crying.

Until Si Zhanbei's classmates in the same dormitory came back, seeing Si Zhanbei still staying in the dormitory, he couldn't help asking: "Si Zhanbei, there is a girl in the guard room looking for you, why didn't you go to see her?"

"What do you see, she's just an annoying woman." Si Zhanbei's complexion was very bad. He always thought it was Wen Jianing, so his tone was also very bad.

"Si Zhanbei, you haven't seen her before, how do you know it's that annoying woman?" the roommate couldn't help but asked.He passed by the guard's room just now, and after taking a look, he didn't seem to be Wen Jianing.

"You don't need to meet to know, who else will come besides that annoying woman?" Si Zhanbei looked disgusted, and he really didn't like Wen Jianing at all.

But that woman was thick-skinned, she would come to him every now and then, she was so annoying to death.

She thought that she could calm down a little when he had someone chastise her a little before, but she didn't expect her to get worse and come to him almost every week.

That's why he didn't even want to answer the call from the guard's room, let alone go out to meet people.

"Zhan Bei, did you make a mistake?" The roommate looked at Si Zhanbei, frowned slightly and said, "I just passed by the guard's room to take a look, and it seems that it is not Miss Wen, but a little girl. Like a freshman college student."

"What did you say? It's not Wen Jianing?" Si Zhanbei's face changed, looking at the roommate, he asked eagerly.Because judging from the description of the roommate, it is likely to be his little wife.

Thinking that it might be Sheng Fenghua who came looking for him, Si Zhanbei immediately became excited.

"That's right, it's not Miss Wen, but a very pure girl."

Before his roommate finished speaking, Si Zhanbei had already rushed out of the dormitory and headed for the guard room.

When he ran to the guard at the speed of a [-]-meter sprint, there was nowhere to be seen Sheng Fenghua.

After looking around, he couldn't find anyone, so Si Zhanbei asked the guard, "Hi, comrade! I'm Si Zhanbei. Did someone look for me just now? Where is she now?"

The guard glanced at Si Zhanbei and said, "You said that little girl before, she left crying!"

"What, she left crying?" Si Zhanbei's expression changed when he heard this, and he asked, "Where did she go?"


The guard pointed in one direction, and Si Zhanbei immediately chased him out.

He had already made up his mind that it must be Sheng Fenghua who came.

What he didn't understand was why Sheng Fenghua didn't call him.If she had called him, he would have come out to see her long ago.

You know, for more than a month, he has been thinking about her every day.

Si Zhanbei chased him all the way, but he didn't see Sheng Fenghua at all.Anxious and angry.He was angry with himself, angry that he made an arbitrary decision without asking clearly.

 The sixth update is over!

(End of this chapter)

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