Chapter 731
"Okay, I'll drink with you. But it's not here, let's find a place with a good environment to drink, shall we?" Jun Nianchen promised Sheng Fenghua while coaxing her, and at the same time slightly exerted force on her hands, completely Everyone hugged them up, and then walked out of the bar.

Holding Sheng Fenghua in his arms, he couldn't see the way clearly, so when he was going out, he accidentally bumped into the person who came in.

"Ouch!" The other party yelled, but Jun Nianchen didn't care, and didn't look at who the other party was, and said directly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Wen Jianing was hit by someone and was about to get angry when he looked up and was stunned.what did she see
She actually saw Sheng Fenghua.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is that she was actually held in the arms of a man.


Wen Jianing's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.Shouldn't Sheng Fenghua be in Country M?When are you back?Why doesn't she know?
Of course, these questions just flashed through Wen Jianing's mind.The important point is that Sheng Fenghua is with another man!
The amount of information was a bit large, and Wen Jianing couldn't help but get excited.Then watching Jun Nianchen and Sheng Fenghua pass by, they followed directly.

For a long time, Wen Jianing couldn't find a breakthrough in Si Zhanbei's body.Moreover, the family kept urging her to go on a blind date, and she was going crazy.

No, at this time such a good opportunity was presented to her, this Sheng Fenghua actually cheated and was with another man.

Well, that's great.

Such a good opportunity, if she still can't grasp it, then she is really a pig and a waste.

Wen Jianing followed the two of them carefully, all the way to the parking lot, and carefully took a few profile photos of them.Although it is from the side, familiar people can still tell at a glance that they are Sheng Fenghua and Jun Nianchen.

Jun Nianchen's thoughts were all on Sheng Fenghua's body, and he didn't realize that there was someone following behind him and taking pictures.

He managed to help Sheng Fenghua into the car, and then asked her home address.But Sheng Fenghua would be so dizzy that he couldn't tell where he lived.

Jun Nianchen thought about it, didn't ask any more questions, started the car directly, and headed for Jun's Hotel.

Since Sheng Fenghua can't go home today, he can only go to the hotel for the night.Of course, he really wanted to take Sheng Fenghua back to his own home, but he was worried that Sheng Fenghua might misunderstand, so he finally decided to send him to the hotel.

Wen Jianing took a photo of the two of them, and after watching the car leave, he did not follow.Instead, he edited a message and sent the photos he just took to Si Zhanbei.

Si Zhanbei, who was looking for Sheng Fenghua everywhere, heard the notification tone of the message, thought it was Sheng Fenghua, and clicked on it without thinking.

As soon as the information was opened, several photos jumped out.

Looking at the photo, Si Zhanbei's face turned completely dark.

He immediately called Sheng Fenghua, but her phone was turned off.This made Si Zhanbei a little crazy, and beat the wall on the side of the road hard.

From the photo just now, he could see that Sheng Fenghua was drunk, he was very worried about her, and desperately wanted to find her.But her cell phone was turned off again.

After punching the wall a few times, Si Zhanbei calmed down slowly, then called Ning Ruiyu and said, "Xiao Ba, check Jun Nianchen's phone number for me, and call me back immediately."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly without saying a word of unnecessary nonsense.

Ning Ruiyu looked at Si Zhanbei's hastily hung up the phone, and was a little puzzled, but he still sent Jun Nianchen's phone number to him immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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