Chapter 732
With Jun Nianchen's call, Si Zhanbei immediately called.

Jun Nianchen, who was driving, saw that it was an unfamiliar call and didn't answer it.Instead, he concentrated on driving, hoping to return to the hotel as soon as possible so that Sheng Fenghua could have a good sleep.

Si Zhanbei made several calls in a row, but Jun Nianchen didn't answer, which made him so angry that he almost dropped his phone.

In the end, he had no choice but to call Ning Ruiyu again and ask him to find out where Jun Nianchen is now.

After receiving a call from Si Zhanbei again, Ning Ruiyu couldn't help but asked, "Third Brother, why are you suddenly going to check on Jun Nianchen today?"

"Don't talk nonsense, check it quickly, I have something urgent." Si Zhanbei didn't have time to explain to Ning Ruiyu, he was going crazy if he couldn't find Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua, who never drank, actually went to drink, which shows how much he hurt her today.

At this time, Si Zhanbei was extremely regretful, wishing to turn back time.If he had known that it was Sheng Fenghua who was waiting for him outside, he would never have refused to go out, let alone say such things.

Damn it!

Si Zhanbei punched himself hard several times, wishing he could slap him to death.

Ning Ruiyu quickly found out Jun Nianchen's location, so he said to Si Zhanbei, "Third brother, Jun Nianchen is now at Jun's Hotel."

"Okay, got it!" Si Zhanbei hung up the phone, blocked a taxi, and immediately headed towards Jun's Hotel.

At this time, Jun's Grand Hotel, Jun Nianchen had already entered the elevator with Sheng Fenghua in his arms, heading for the presidential suite on the top floor.

The employees of Jun's Hotel, seeing their boss come back with a woman in his arms for the first time, started gossiping immediately.However, none of them dared to speak in front of Jun Nianchen, but discussed in private.

"Oh my god, what did I see? The boss actually carried a woman into the elevator. Is this the thousand-year-old iron tree finally blooming?"

"I smelled alcohol just now. I guess the woman has been drinking."

"What, no way, the woman was not drunk by the boss, was she?"

"What nonsense, the boss is not such a person."

Jun Nianchen knew nothing about the employees' discussions.After he carried Sheng Fenghua upstairs, he made a phone call and asked the female manager of the housekeeping department to bring a set of clothes, and asked her to help Sheng Fenghua take a shower and change clothes.

When the female manager of the room department left, Jun Nianchen looked at Sheng Fenghua who had already fallen asleep, and gently reached out to stroke her face.

His movements were very light and gentle, for fear of waking Sheng Fenghua up.He looked at Sheng Fenghua quietly for a while, feeling uncomfortable, so he got up and went to the suite next door to take a shower and change his clothes.

When Jun Nianchen changed his clothes and was about to go to Sheng Fenghua's room to see how she was sleeping, the door of the room was knocked loudly.

Jun Nianchen frowned, wondering who was so rude?

As he thought about it, he went to open the door.As soon as the door opened, a fist swung directly towards his face.

Jun Nianchen was startled, and while avoiding his head, he took a step back.

With great difficulty, Si Zhanbei knocked on Jun Nianchen's door, seeing him in pajamas, his jealousy and anger immediately exploded.He thought Jun Nianchen had done something to Sheng Fenghua, so without even thinking about it, he just waved his fist at him.

No, although Jun Nianchen is a businessman, he still has skills.So, just avoided it.

How dare he hide?

Si Zhan Beiyue became more and more angry, he bullied him again, and fought with Jun Nianchen.

(End of this chapter)

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