ace warm marriage

Chapter 738 Sister Discord

Chapter 738 Sister Discord
But then again, if Si Zhanbei was like those people, she might still despise him.

This person is like this. He often doesn't cherish the things that come to his door, and instead pursues those things that he disdains himself.

However, soon, it was time for Si Zhanbei to change his mind.

Thinking about it, Wen Jianing couldn't help touching the mobile phone in his pocket.

At this time, Wen Jianing didn't even know that the noodles in her phone had been deleted by Ning Ruiyu with software, and she was still dreaming.

A group of people played until after twelve o'clock before going back separately.

Now, Wen Jianing doesn't live with her grandparents, and no one is looking after her, so it doesn't matter whether she goes back early or late.

Wen Jianing changed his shoes and walked towards his room on the second floor.But when she reached the stairs, a black shadow blocked her way.

"What's the matter?" Wen Jianing asked coldly, looking at his sister, who was a fellow mother.Maybe it's because of her relationship with her grandparents since she was a child, so she is very alienated from her younger siblings and has no feelings for her.

"Sister, don't you think coming back so late every day will disturb everyone's rest?" Wen Jiahui leaned against the wall and looked at Wen Jianing coldly.

To be honest, she didn't like Wen Jianing, a sister.Although the two are sisters, they haven't lived together since they were young. Not to mention they have no feelings, they are a bit annoying.

Because Wen Jianing was good at everything since he was a child, and he was liked by his grandparents, and he was the only junior who was raised by his grandparents.

Not only Wen Jiahui is jealous of Wen Jianing, but the entire Wen family's juniors are also jealous of her.Over time, there was a gap between them and Wen Jianing, and they even hated her in their hearts.

"It's none of my business that you can't sleep?" Wen Jianing replied flatly, then ignored Wen Jiahui and walked towards her room.

"You?" Wen Jiahui looked annoyed, she thought that Wen Jianing was kicked out by her grandparents, she would humiliate them and behave like a man with her tail between her legs.But she didn't want to, she was still the same as before, with a high-ranking look.

Since Wen Jianing came back, she hasn't fallen asleep before twelve o'clock.Every time when she was about to fall asleep, Wen Jianing's door opening would wake her up.

At first, she thought about enduring it and passed it.And thought that Wen Jianing was out of anger and would be fine in a few days.

But she didn't want to, it's been a month, and she's still like this.

After enduring it for a month, Wen Jiahui couldn't bear it anymore, so she stood here deliberately, planning to say a few words to Wen Jianing to make her pay attention.

But she didn't want to, Wen Jianing said such words, it really pissed her off.

Wen Jianing ignored his sister, took out the key, and prepared to open the door.When Wen Jiahui thought that she was woken up by Wen Jianing, but she didn't feel any guilt or remorse, she hated her so much.

So, she chased Wen Jianing, and directly blocked the door of her room: "Since you won't let me sleep, then you don't want to sleep either."

"Get out of the way!" Wen Jianing gave Wen Jiahui a cold look, and said in a cold voice.Even her parents dare not control her, let alone her younger sister.

She was kicked out by her grandparents, but she is still the eldest lady of the Wen family, and the No. 1 choice for the marriage of the Wen family.

Therefore, for her behavior, even her parents can bear it.But this Wen Jiahui is lucky, she still wants to control her, who does she think she is?
"No!" Wen Jiahui planned to go all out, desperately trying to cure Wen Jianing if she didn't sleep tonight.To save her from quarreling with everyone and acting like it's a matter of course.

(End of this chapter)

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