Chapter 739
"Are you going to let me go?" Wen Jianing's voice sank, and his face was a little ugly.For this younger sister, she has always looked down on her, wanting to be brainless, wanting to have no looks, and also likes to meddle in other people's business, no wonder everyone doesn't like her.

Just like now, there are so many people in the family, and even her parents have acquiesced in her behavior, but this younger sister is lucky, she still wants to control her, just dream!
"No, unless you promise me that you won't come back so late in the future. Otherwise, you don't want to sleep tonight." Wen Jiahui stood still, insisting on asking Wen Jianing to make a promise.

"Really not to let me?" Wen Jianing asked again with a flash of hostility in his eyes.

"No!" Wen Jiahui raised her head, looking at the provocation on Wen Jianing's face.

"Then don't blame me." After Wen Jianing finished speaking, she raised her jade hand.With a slap, Wen Jiahui was slapped across the face.

She was kicked out by her grandparents, and living here is already aggrieved enough.This Wen Jiahui still wanted to control her, and she didn't even look at her identity.

"You hit me?" Wen Jiahui was stunned, she didn't expect Wen Jianing to hit her.

"Are you going to let me go? If you don't let me go, I'll beat you again." Wen Jianing had a cold face, and his whole body was full of hostility.This Wen Jiahui rushed forward to be beaten, what could she do.

Originally, she was in a good mood today, but after being teased by Wen Jiahui, she lost all good mood.

"Wen Jianing!" Wen Jiahui gritted her teeth and called Wen Jianing's name, then reached out and grabbed her face.

"You dare to hit me, I'll tear your face apart." Wen Jiahui's nails were a bit long, if she really caught her on the face, the consequences would be disastrous.Therefore, without even thinking about it, Wen Jianing kicked Wen Jiahui's stomach directly.

Wen Jiahui saw that Wen Jianing was going to kick her in the stomach, so she withdrew her hand and avoided it.

However, she was very unwilling to catch Wen Jianing's face.So after avoiding the opponent's kick, she threw herself on Wen Jianing, throwing her to the ground.

Although Wen Jiahui is not as tall as Wen Jianing, she has more weight than her, such a pressure directly crushes Wen Jianing to death.

After suppressing Wen Jianing, Wen Jiahui stretched out his hand again and grabbed her face.

As soon as he grabbed it, several nail marks appeared on Wen Jianing's face.

The pain hit, making Wen Jianing's eyes turn red instantly, then grabbed Wen Jiahui's face with one hand, and tore her hair with the other.

The two sisters fought in the aisle, waking everyone up.

When the Ning family's parents saw the two sisters fighting together, their faces changed, and they shouted loudly, "What are you doing?"

Hearing Father Ning's roar, neither of the two who were fighting fiercely let go of their hands.They are all afraid that if they let go, the other party will not let go, and thus suffer a disadvantage.

"Stop it soon?" Seeing that the two didn't intend to stop, Mother Ning stepped forward, trying to separate them.

But at this time, the two couldn't listen to anything, they just wanted to suppress each other severely and make the other party surrender.So not only did it not stop, but it became even more vicious.

Wen Jianing forcefully tore off a piece of Wen Jiahui's scalp.Wen Jiahui's scalp was torn off, Wen Jiahui was also furious, and grabbed Wen Jianing's face vigorously.

With this grabbing, there were five more fingernail marks, making Wen Jianing's delicate face instantly ugly.

"It's wrong, it's wrong!" Father Ning watched the two women become more ruthless than the other, and was so angry that he couldn't do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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