ace warm marriage

Chapter 744 The Photo Disappears

Chapter 744 The Photo Disappears
While thinking about it, Wen Jianing opened the photo album on the phone, preparing to call out the photos he took before.

But when she opened the photo album, she was dumbfounded.The photos I took before are gone!
how could be?She had sent it to Si Zhanbei before, how could these photos disappear?

Wen Jianing was not reconciled, and searched again seriously, but the result was still the same.

At this moment, Wen Jianing almost went crazy, she searched over and over in her mobile phone, but still found nothing.At this moment, she suddenly understood why Si Zhanbei didn't come.

It turned out that the chip she thought she had, the ace that could threaten Si Zhanbei, was gone.

And this thing can't disappear for no reason. The only possibility is that someone has tampered with it.And this person, apart from Si Zhanbei, doesn't think of anyone else.

Thinking of this moment, Wen Jianing couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "Si Zhanbei, I hate you!"

I don't know if this sentence was said too forcefully, the wound on Wen Jianing's face was affected.Only then did she realize that she still had injuries on her face, and if she didn't deal with it, she would really be disfigured.

Thinking that she was going to be disfigured, Wen Jianing became anxious, then quickly took out the phone, called a man who had been chasing her, and asked him to come pick him up.

That man's name is Liu Quandong, he is a rich second generation, he has been chasing Wen Jianing, but he has never gotten a response from her.It can be said that she was ecstatic to receive a call from her, secretly said: luck finally favored me, the goddess actually called me on her own initiative, that's great.

Thinking of this, Liu Quandong immediately got up from the bed and drove towards Wen Jianing's house.

When Liu Quandong arrived at the place, Wen Jianing came out wearing a scarf and asked him to take him to the hospital.

"Miss Wen, what are you doing in the hospital at night?" Until this moment, Liu Quandong knew that Wen Jianing was not looking for him on a date, so he couldn't help asking.

"Stop talking nonsense, drive quickly." Wen Jianing said angrily.At this moment, she finally knew that she was in a hurry, and wanted to go to the hospital quickly to see if this face was still alive.

Liu Quandong was a little upset when Wen Jianing yelled at him like that.But when he thought that he was pursuing her, he finally endured it.Then according to her instructions, the car was driven to the hospital.

Once at the hospital, Wen Jianing hurried to the doctor.

Seeing Wen Jianing's hurry, Liu Quandong was a little puzzled, and then followed behind her.

Wen Jianing went to the doctor's office, took off the scarf on his face, and asked, "Doctor, is my face still recoverable?"

The doctor glanced at Wen Jianing's face, seeing that the blood on his face was congealed, his face changed, and said: "Why did you delay coming here now, the blood is all congealed now, and it is likely to leave scars of."

Hearing this, Wen Jianing was filled with hatred.Wen Jiahui and Si Zhanbei were all to blame.If it wasn't for Wen Jiahui, her face wouldn't be hurt.If it wasn't for Si Zhanbei, she wouldn't have procrastinated until now.

At this time, Liu Quandong also just arrived at the doctor's office, and was so startled when he saw Wen Jianing's face, he took a few steps back and ran away without looking back.

Before, he liked Wen Jianing, firstly because of her family background, and secondly because of her face.But now, her family is ruined, and it's so scary, how can he like it.

Wen Jianing had no family to take care of Liu Quandong at all at this time, and there was only one question in her mind, which was that her face was likely to be scarred.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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